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my mom had cancer that started almost 2 years ago, she passed away a few days after my birthday last year, since then i've been smoking weed quite a bit just to relieve the lonely pain, recently i've been coughing up blood and my hungers completely gone, i ate 1 pizza slice in the past 2/3 days, my throats killing, i have constant headaches and im tired all the time, i cant even workout anymore. i think the doctor told me that theres a higher chance of getting cancer since my mom had it, im not 100% sure if thats what he said though, could it be what he said? and is this a sign of something bad? please help




  1. I'm sorry you lost your mom kiddo, but weed is not the answer. She'd want you to stay as healthy as you can. (And that includes eating).

    Coughing up blood is not ok and needs to be investigated by your doctor immediately. That, along with the other symptoms point to a few things. Get in today if you can... if not, go to an Urgent Care.

    Take care of yourself... there is only one of you.

  2. The part where you said you coughed up blood coughed my attention straight away. That's a sign that you're dying, unless you had a nose bleed and some came out your mouth? You need to go to the hospital straight away where they can take good care of you and they can give you medicine and antibiotics to get you back to health but you need to quit the drugs else they wont see you as eligible enough to help.  

  3. im sorry to hear that man do some eairly treatment with your doctor that can really help

  4. of course its bad!!!! go see the docters! AGAIN!!

  5. Sorry to the other guy that answered let me just say, that a 16 year old can get cancer as I did when I was 16 (Mucoepidermoid carcinoma) and I had lung cancer if your not up on the lingo...

    I would from personal experience go and see a Dr. All it takes is a simple Ct scan of your chest. i had pain on my right side from my right lung, loss of appetite and really weak. I also could not breathe properly, I struggled on top of having asthma. I do not want to worry you too much, but please get it checked out. Cancer can happen to anyone and yes I was 16 when I had mine, mine was very rare. Your Dr can help you treat you addiction also and it is all confidential. I will pray for you. All the best mate and God Bless.

  6. yeah...that's not ur doctor and ask him what he said before

  7. I'm sorry to hear about you mother.

    You need to see a doctor about coughing up blood and about your lack of appetite, but don't assume you have cancer.

    Hereditary cancer is rare; only 5 - 10% of all cancers are due to hereditary factors. You don't say what type of cancer your mother had - some cancers are not hereditary at all.

    If your mother's cancer was hereditary, a number of your family members would have had the same type of cancer. And you would only be at possible increased risk of that particular type of cancer, not of cancer in general.

    If it wasn't hereditary, your chances of getting that type of cancer or any other type are not increased.

    See your doctor; coughing up blood  loss of appetite and your other symptoms MUST be investigated. But unless your mother had a hereditary cancer of which those are symptoms (and I can't think of one) it's unlikely that you have what she had

  8. im so sorry. i lost my mom to cancer when i was 22. i know the pain of it. let me tell you from my experience, after she passed, i thought i had every cancer in the world! i relized later that i was fine, i was just frightend by what i saw her go through. of course your chances are higher and you need to be checked regularly. make sure you eat healthy and take care of yourself. i know it doesnt seem like it now, but you will find your own way of dealing with this, even though the pain never really goes away, you will learn how to deal with it. i truely hope you get better. good luck.

  9. If your worried about the pot don't.

    ( Reuters May 24, 2006

    Marijuana smoking does not increase a person's risk of developing lung cancer, according to the findings of a new study at the University of California Los Angeles that surprised even the researchers.

    They had expected to find that a history of heavy marijuana use, like cigarette smoking, would increase the risk of cancer.

    Instead, the study, which compared the lifestyles of 611 Los Angeles County lung cancer patients and 601 patients with head and neck cancers with those of 1,040 people without cancer, found no elevated cancer risk for even the heaviest pot smokers. It did find a 20-fold increased risk of lung cancer in people who smoked two or more packs of cigarettes a day.

    The study results were presented in San Diego Tuesday at a meeting of the American Thoracic Society.)

    You are stressed and thats all. Stress cause all sorts of physical issues.  It makes you lose your appettite, sleep deprived, aniexty moodiness. You have probably worried yourself into an ulcer. , and spitting up blood is not good, you need to call a Dr. anyways and get tested. "IF" you have "C" then get treatment now, don't wait.  I am hear if you need to talk, I can listen.

    Its hard losing a parent I lost my Dad last yr suddenly. My Mom has an aorta aneurysm in her stomach. She will never make the surgery  on 9/8 due to her compromised adrenal system from 36 yrs on Prednisone.

    I will tell you like I tell her. Be Positive.

    Pray. He listens.

  10. Well, smoking weed is bad for anyone, regardless of whether there is a history of cancer in the family or not. Seeing that there is a history of cancer in your family, and you do smoke, sooner or later you are bound to get lung cancer and maybe a different kind. I'm not sure about why you aren't hungry, but you are probably so tired because you are barely eating and can't work out because you have no energy. The fact you are coughing up blood is NEVER good.. I suggest you see a doctor as soon as possible.

    Good luck, feel better.

  11. A 16 yr old does not get throat or lung cancer, especially from smoking marijuana.  It is infinitely more likely that you have some unresolved grief issues associated with your mother's death and that you might have an ulcer causing the bleeding. Your other symptoms could also be attributed to anxiety due to your grief issues. If your mother's genetics were going to influence your development of cancer this genetic influence would make itself known much later in life, in your 60s or later rather than at age 16. Puberty does not help any emotional problem because of the disruptive influence of hormones but right now you need to see a counselor and not a cancer Dr. You do need to see an internist to find out if you have an ulcer and to find the cause of the bleeding.

    See a good counselor (keep looking till you find one you can relate to) and then work through your issues. The pot won't help since if you keep smoking pot you will get emotionally stuck at where ever you are right now. Now does not sound like it is a comfortable place for you. The decisions you will be making in the next couple years will determine whether you are always going to be working hard for a few bucks or giving the orders that keep the big bucks rolling in. Make sure your head is screwed on straight so that you end up where you want to be in life.

    good luck and sorry about your mom.
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