
Help! carpet covered in dog hair!?

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I have a Siberian Husky and a 30-year old shag carpet how do I clean this carpet? I bought 3 new vacuums last year!




  1. i would change carpet, brush dog outside, or go through many vacuums

  2. eww, get a new carpet

  3. towel

  4. I don't have a dog, but you could try using that clear duck tape, you know the kind you use on a package.  NOt the grey one , but the clear one. Wrapp the not stick side around your hand and just go around the carpet. it should pick lots of the hair up.  I do that when i have way too much lint on my clothes.  

  5. use one of those carpet or funiture cleaners.

    thats what my mom uses.

  6. use a lint brush and get on hands a knees and just start swiping  

  7. Seriously, for a thirty year old carpet, you might wish to get a new one, and better perhaps not a shag style.

    That a shag carpet could last that long does surprise me- it must have been well made.

    Try berber.

    For a vacuum, whichever type you found the most suitable, I would stay with. This is something which I think only you could determine.

  8. The new Dyson top of the line vacuum is awesome!!!  It is about $400.00 but worth every penny.

  9. Replace the carpet with low shag or indoor/outdoor carpet.  It's too old anyway!  Huskies are cold weather dogs with a double coat and really shed in warm weather.  Brush your dog weekly in the winter with the shedding type dog brush and more frequently during shedding season.  Vacuum more frequently.  I have even used the hose attachment with the brush and vacuumed my dog in pure desperation!  Good Luck.

  10. Paint roller with a long handle. Cover the paint part with duct tape.


  12. get rid of carpet, its not a good match for your dog

  13. Try getting a grooming tool called the "Furminator"  it pulls out ALL the dead coat.  Then your vacuum won't be on overload.

    It works great and it's sooo easy

  14. they sell hair off carpet stuff!

  15. take the hair off not like its going to stain

  16. u need to find a certain vacuum that can clean out dog hair

  17. My Dyson does a good job of this.

  18. UGGGGH I have a chihuahua Yorke cockerspaniel mix. he sheds ALOT. We don't clean just vaccume Alot.

  19. 1. shave your dog. 2. invest in a better vacuum.

  20. try sellotape

  21. Rip the carpet off the floor, and then throw it in the garbage.

    Get a new floor or carpet  (berber hides hair well). Brush your dog daily outside.

    Problem solved.


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