
Help! child banged her head on a counter!?

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i have an 8 year old niece who just banged her head really hard on an over hanging bit of a counter. the part of her head where she hit it feels kind of flat and im worried she might get a concussion? any advice?




  1. let her sleep if she wants to. keep your eye on her, if she is sick or complains of feeling sick take her to hospital, also if she complains of double vision, other than that unless she cut herself badly and needs stiches, she should be fine

  2. take her to the Emergency room better one time to much then one to less !

  3. Take her to the doctor ASAP!

  4. This happened to my daughter just this past weekend and boy does she still have a nasty bruise. I gave my little girl an ice pack and some tylenol and watched her. She never felt sick or dizzy nor did she get drowsy or have any other symptoms. She's fine. But since your niece's head feels funny, it might not be a bad idea to get her seen by a doctor.

  5. If your niece wants to sleep do not allow it.  Keep the child awake for a minimum of an hour and see if her eyes roll back into her head. Kids that age are very agile.  Also, a cold pack on the sore spot would be helpful too! (no more than 15 minutes).

  6. Go to the doctor!  If she's starting to feel dizzy or unconscious or anything like that, then you seriously should call the 911 and get the ambulance!  I've hit my head on granite about 5 times and I'm lucky that it wasn't serious, but it could hurt really badly!  So, I think that if you think it's serious, then do something about it.  Ask her how she's feeling several times a day.

  7. She may have a concussion, she may not. Call her parents and tell them what happened and see what they want to do about it. I would recommened she goes to emerge to get checked out, it's probably nothing but you can never be too sure. Make sure she gets plenty of fluids in her, don't let her sleep. The fact she hasnt lost conciouness is a good sign.

  8. take her to the emergency some concusions can lead to death so hurry u dont want to have her die just cause u thought little of it

  9. First call her parents:

    Two: Call the hospital

    Thrid: Do not let her go to sleep, for if she has a concussion, and she goes to sleep, she might not wake up, so make sure  she is awake!

    Now get her to a hospital and have her checked out, you can never be to careful with a child, or anything that they do!! Get the parents and fast!!

    Good Luck!!

  10. I've done that plenty of times and I turned out right.

    ( I think. )

  11. Keep her awake.  If she has a concussion, she could also have a cerebral hemorrhage, swelling of the brain, or a fractured skull.  If she goes to sleep, it is possible she will not exhibit symptoms that will let you know she has a bleed.  I recommend you take her to the emergency room.

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