
Help choosing a camera?

by Guest34035  |  earlier

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im looking for a camera

i take a lot of pictures of things outside as well as people

im very into this and my iphone camera is not cutting it....

so i am looking for a digital camera with flash, a self timer, video (that takes at least fairly good videos) and any other cool features...........

so plz help me out

also if yew guys have any links for cameras that would help too

thank yew much




  1. will let you search for whatever you want.

  2. i recommend canon a1000

  3. Look at the Canon A-590IS it does every thing you want for $159 on sale.

  4. Hey there, I dont have a whole lot of experience in cameras nor am I a photographer. But I do know that megapixels arent everything. Anything above 7 nowadays is just unnecessary. If you plan on blowing up your pictures to 5 foot pieces of art then the more the better but for portraits and scenic shots you would do well with a small sony cyber shot or a kodak...they make some very nice ones. I bought my g/f a kodak 7.5 megapixel camera and it is great. the shots look good on my comp, my ipod touch, and even the prints. Most of the time all you need to know is right on the basic descriptions. Hope this helps in some small way.

  5. Don't buy it here:

  6. All of the major brands are good. Choose a brand that appeals to you. Then you have to think about getting a spare battery, what size memory card, if you want an extended warranty, how much you can afford, what size zoom, if you want manual controls, the size of the camera, finding a reliable place to purchase it, and the list goes on and on and on.......

    The first thing to realize is that almost any digital camera will take good pictures. If more people would read the manual more than once, they would be able to take better pictures. Usually, the person assumes it is the camera when it could be them not knowing exactly what to do. Just give yourself more photographic knowledge by doing more reading on the internet.

    I really believe buying a camera is an individual choice.

    The person needs to read alot of reviews on cameras so they can decide on the features that they really want and need.

    Go to the store and hold them so you can see if they feel comfortable in your hands. If possible, take some pictures in the store to check the quality of the pictures.

    I can only give a suggestion of what to look for in a new digital camera.

    Good Luck

    my suggestion

    go to this link for help

  7. Hi, buying a camera can be a time consuming thing since the market is huge.

    Some tips

    First try to decide what the price what you are willing to spend. That will cut down your options.

    Secondly, what is that you really want? It seems that you don't have that much requirements. Flash, self timer and video are quit standard nowadays! And do not focus on pixels too much! I know high pixels look tempting, but if you are not a professional photographer you do not need that much! It saves you a lot of money. And remember, pixels change every year, it is impossible to keep track. With a 5.0 or 6.0 pixels camera you can easily enlarge good pictures to a4 size! More is nice, but other things are more important.

    Like the zoom? Do you have any idea what you like?

    I would advise you to go to a shop as well, to hold some cameras, feel them en take a look at them! This will definitely give you an opinion on what you like!

    Good luck!

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