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okay about a year ago...i was the guy who sagged his pants wore fitted caps etc.... and didnt really do it cause i liked was to fit in in my enviorment....i was called a wannabe a few times....sad thing is...i realy didnt know anything else...but one day browsing diffrent music on the computer i cam across rockabilly and psychobilly music...i loved it made the hair on my neck my ipod basically went from rp to rock/rockabilly/psychobilly.....i digged the style so day buy day i dressed more i got kids callin me weird...whats worse being called a wannabe or being weird cause of what u like?




  1. I think you are allowed to change your style and music tastes if you want to. rockabilly is cool, my husband went to a rockabilly weekend here in Hungary, I wasn't in the mood to camp out overnight.

    Anyways he had a great time and saw some old(from 50 years ago!) friends and danced all night long.

    One group was called the "Jailbirds" and some guy had a real nicely fixed to standard police car with a uniform on. He dragged the singer onto stage after going around the place with the lights and siren on. Sounds like a good time.It was cool to see a car like that here in eastern Europe.

    Anyways, you will change your style and tastes many times in your life, don't worry about anyone else, enjoy yourself.

  2. Why do you care so much what other people think?  Why do let other people determine what clothes you'll wear, what music you'll hear, what thoughts you'll think?  

    Maybe it's time to started deciding for YOURSELF what you like, and being proud of that.  

  3. People are judging you, but are they really fit to judge? They don't know what your interested in, it's what you like, are, or find fitting.  

  4. people will pick at others no matter what you do, somewhere you have to find a happy medium and just be YOURself!

    Just do what makes you happy and if someone does not like it then they do not have to be your friend, but please just be yourself and the rest will follow.

    It is a shame that people have to be this way and make fun of others but it is life and I guess we cant change everyone, but start with yourself and be who you want to be and forget about them.

    just try wearing a pair of loose fitting jeans and a tshirt with something like DC or Adio or Volcom, this is what my kid does, he is 17 and the other kids do the same.

    Not that you should ever try to be like others, but if it is that important to fit in and have them stop nagging at you, then try this,and good luck.

  5. You are who you are and that's the end of it!  Don't listen to what other people say about you.   All that matters is that you are content with being who you are!  

  6. being who you want to be is more important than trying to fit in.  

    normal is unheard of.

    be who you are and want to be. If you aren't you are just a shell on the shore trying to blend in...stand out so you will be unique!  

  7. You have ot ask yourself that question.  Do you want to be like everyone else, and be called a wannabe and not really enjoy your life?  Or do you want to be called weird and be true to yourself?  I would rather be weird, but be able to look myself in the mirror and know the reflection was who I am- not who someone else expects me to be.
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