
Help connecting Wireless

by  |  earlier

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I have a router connected and want to enable my wireless, my psp finds the router and tries connecting to it but the internet on the psp fails, to connect to wireless through my laptop do I have to go to tools> internet options to do this?, if so what do i do?.

The laptop does not have wireless built in, that is why I am using the card.

Its not so much about the psp, its about the laptop as it doesnt connect wirelessly, im using the psp as a example as it FINDS the access point and the security on the router is WEP enabled. .the problem is on my laptop I cant connect wirelessly, I dont know what reason but it finds the access point and says connected, but when I go on to the internet it does not connect. .do i need to go to tools>internet options> connections and setup?

Thanks =)




  1. The only help i can give is:

    Can you connect to the internet using a wire directly into the router?

    If not keep the laptop pluged in with a wire and check the manual for a war of changing the settings. For example you have to type into a brouser to change the settings on a netgear.

    check every setting and make sure your connection settings are correct.

    ring up your service provider and ask for the correct settings (user and password for connection if required)

    as i do not know your router type and what lights are lit on the frount, i can not help further.

    Grant Russell

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