
Help construct a menu that does not include these foods...?

by Guest62615  |  earlier

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For health purposes, these foods can no longer be eaten. It is overwhelming, but it can be simple to construct a menu. Since I am still in shock, I can not seem to get it together to make a menu/recipes. Would you please help? Thank you.

Nightshade: Brinjal(eggplant family), Cayenne, Capsicum, Eggplant, Ground Cherry, Banana Pepper, Bell Pepper, Chili Pepper, Green Pepper, Red Pepper, Sweet Pepper, Paprika, Pimento, Potato, Tabasco, Thorn Apple, Tobacco, Tomato, tomatillos, tamarillos, naranjillas.

Nutmeg: Mace, Nutmeg.

Olive: Olive, olive oil.

Orchid: Vanilla

Palm: Coconut, Date, Palm Cabbage, Sago(a starch extracted from the pith inside stems of the sago palm).

Parsley: Angelica, Anise, Carrots, Celery, Celeriac, Caraway, Celery Seed, Coriander, Cumin, Dill, Fennel, Parsley, Parsnips, Sweet Cicily(edible weed), Water Celery.

Pawpaw: Pawpaw, papaya, papain.

Pepper: Black pepper, white pepper.

Pine: Juniper, Pinion nut.

Pineapple: Pineapple.

Plum: Almond, Apricot, Cherry, Nectarine, Peach, Plum, Prune Plum.

Pomegranate: Pomegranate.

Poppy: Poppy seed.

Rose: Blackberry, Boysenberry, Dewberry, Loganberry, Strawberry, Youngberry, Raspberry. Apple Family - Rose Family

(The apple family is part of the bigger rose family)

Apple, Apple Cider, Apple Vinegar, Apple Pectin, Quince, Pear

Salt Water Fish: Bass, Cod, Flounder, Herring, Mackerel, Mullet, Salmon.

Spurge: Tapioca.

Stercula: Cocoa, Cola Bean, Chocolate (Cocoa).

Tea: Tea.

Walnut: Butternut, Hickory nut, Pecan, Black Walnut, English Walnut.

Sugar: all types including -Beet Sugar -Maple Sugar-Date Sugar-Organic Cane Syrup-Organic Cane Juice-Organic Cane Sugar-Dextrose-Maltose-Lactose-Maltodext... Fructose Corn Syrup-Brown Sugar-Powdered Sugar-Honey –Molasses

Meats: no fish, no red meat, no processed meats like lunch meat, spam, etc.

Other: -No alcohol-No wheat-No yeast-No caffeine -No preservatives and additives

-No refined and processed foods-No moldy foods-No dairy (except yogurt and butter)

Cheese and milk contain lactose (milk sugar), cottage cheese




  1. I don't have the time to really look at this list and come up with something, so no answer...sorry. :(

    But with such a long list of things you can't eat, I'm just VERY curious about exactly what your health issue/condition is.

  2. Breakfast:

    Yogurt and fruit

    Oatmeal with raisins

    Soymilk and multigrain cheerios or other breakfast cereal


    Bowl of soup (bean, lentil, broccoli, vegetable, butternut squash)

    Baked potato and veggies (green beans, broccoli)

    Pasta with pesto or oil and vegetables

    Brown rice and vegetables with tofu

    Salad (spinach, dried cranberries, pecans, vinaigrette)

    Fresh water fish with vegetables and brown rice

    Chicken with rice

    Chicken Caesar salad

    Rice and beans, corn or flour tortilla, roast vegetables


    Macadamia nut, cashew, pecan, pistachio


    Dried cranberries/raisins


    Hope I helped! Good luck on your new diet! Also, I would suggest asking your doctor if they can give you some recommendations for a meal plan since you have so many restrictions. You might want to see if they can refer you to a nutritionist to help you find the smartest choices for your diet and still get full nutrition. If you have insurance, this is probably covered if you can get the referral.

    You should also check out some vegan or vegetarian cookbooks, which tend to be more inventive with ingredients than traditional cookbooks. Since your diet is now mostly meat and dairy free, this would be a good resource for you. I like Deborah Madison's Vegetarian Cooking for Everyone. It has some great recipes - many include cheese but most can be made vegan with some simple changes.  

  3. It looks like you will need to have a very simple diet.

    I am thinking you can eat chicken, beans of all kinds, onions, yogurt, butter, leafy greens, brown rice, eggs, blueberries, certain oils like safflower and sunflower.

    Breakfast can be blueberries and yogurt or eggs and toast(looks like gluten free bread is ok)

    lunch and dinner can be variations of bean dishes or salads with beans or chicken and brown rice...lentil soup, split pea, chicken soups, brown rice pasta, almonds(?), tofu

    Keep your meals simple and make from scratch so you control the ingredients

    Be careful with any soymilk or rice milk as these usually contain some kind of sugar unless...are you able to eat brown rice syrup? If so you can use that as a substitute for sweetening. You can find it in a health store or online.

  4. yogurt



    whatever vegetables you CAN eat

    there are wheat free cereals and breads, check out for wheat free foods, just search wheat free or gluten free.

    can you eat granola or oatmeal?  You can mix that with yogurt.

    Rice cakes

  5. it might be easier to know what exactly is wrong with you, and maybe a list of safe foods rather than what you cannot eat. my dad was on a similar diet... he couldnt eat anything!!!  he had  gerd and acid reflux....

    if you edit your question, i will research this and send you recipes with the foods you CAN eat.

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