
Help: contacts?

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I'm thinking of getting contacts, but I know NOTHING about them. I'm very paranoid to touch my eye or get near it, so I think I'll have a problem putting them in. I also don't want one to fly up in my eye and get stuck. Can someone set me straight and tell me what they know about contacts and put me at ease? :/

Thanks in advance.




  1. when i first got my contacts i was paranoid also but they give you a training session for them before you can take them home so dont worry also u wont stick ur self in the eye unless you do it on purpose or have realli long nails lol

  2. you get use to putting them in.  I love them! I have been wearing them for about 3 years. I rarely wear my glasses.  Try to get the continuous wear ones, that way you can sleep in them too.

  3. It's not as scary as it sounds at all, but if you're still freaked out, you shouldn't get the hard ones. The soft, disposable ones are easier to put it, easier to get used to, and much less scary.  And how to put them on...First of all, you have to wash your hands and remember to always keep your nails at a reasonable length because otherwise, your contacts might break, or get your eye infected, and you obviously don't want that. Secondly, in the beginning, you shouldn't use them for longer than five hours. I know, it's so short. But then, after a couple of days, you can increase the hours to six, and then to seven, and then to eight, etc etc. You need to get used to your contacts first. Also, when you DO get used to them completely, you still shouldn't use them for more than thirteen hours. I hope this helped, even though it isn't much! If you're still worried, you ask your ophthomologist to teach you how to put in your contacts. They usually give brief but super-helpful instructions.

  4. I had the same concerns about a year ago.  I hated glasses and would never wear them.  I'm now so glad that I have them and never wear glasses because I am wearing contacts.  I took me about one week to become comfortable with them.  I have rubbed my eye and my contact has gone up in my eye but you are able to rub your eye and pull it back down.  I think its happened twice... not a big deal.  I suggest getting them but only get 1 package to try and then if you like them buy more.  Also my Dr gave me a 2 week trial for free so maybe yours could help you out too.  There are so many kinds and prices... tlka to your Dr!

    GooD LucK !!!

  5. Much depends on just how much you would like to have contact lenses. They are somewhat tedious, require cleanliness,however to many they are worth it. Most of us were as sensitive to touching the Eye, and some practice can help With very clean hands and fingers, try touching the white of your eye just above the lower eye lid. It is not painful, and yes, they do get stuck and the first time this happens one gets kind of panicky> A few Eye drops and gently blinking will bring the lens back where it is seen and can be removed. Contrary to the taught that it is lost or is somewhere in the back of the eye. So many others have overcome these problems and you will too if you still want contact lenses, in colors perhaps...

  6. I have been wearing contacts since I was twelve. At first I was really scared to touch my eye but then when i watched someone else do it and said to myself  "I can do this its not a big deal hundreds of people do it everyday so can I" I just did it the first time then it was not problem after that.

    It took me almost an hour to get them in  and then out again the first time and like a few min. the next few times. but after that I was fine.

    Pros and cons........................

    Pros: much more convienent (ie:dont haveto worry about if ur glasses are dirty..) ,or losing ur glasses.... depending on what kind of contacts u get there are some that u can leave in for a week or so and u dont haveto take them out when you go to sleep (they are more expensive but if thats how u want to go that option is open) and some u haveto take out when u sleep...

    cons: sometimes they get dry (but if u put eyedrops in that helps) u haveto get used to touching ur eye. (not a big deal if u ask me) If they fall out  (I carry my glasses with me in case that happens.)

    well, hope this was helpful!


  7. First, the contact lens CANNOT get stuck in the back of your eye. There's a natural barrier there that simply won't allow it to get through. You can ask your opthamologist about.

    Second, don't be afraid of putting on contact lenses. Many people (including myself) have had problems putting them in, but you get completely used to it in about a week (could take a bit longer, don't be alarmed if you don't get it right) and then it simply becomes a rudimentary action. I personally recommend buying disposable contact lenses (preferably daily contact lenses), which are the most healthy contact lenses and require very little hassle in regards to cleaning them. If you have astigmatism, rigid gas preamble contact lenses will probably give you better visual correction than the soft ones. Otherwise, I recommend buying soft contact lenses. I hope I've helped :)

  8. Putting them in and taking them out takes a bit of getting used to, but they help you out the first few times and won't let you leave until you get it right.   Took me two visits.  Otherwise, as long as you take descent care of them and don't rub your eyes you should be fine.  I had one get up into the back of my eye (from rubbing) once.  It was quite annoying and took some work, but I got it out myself.  Just clean them daily and it should be fine.

  9. I work as an optician and this is probably the main fear for most first time lens wearers. I actually feared this myself since I can't even put eye drops in very well. If you get a good optician for your class you can learn a lot of tricks to keeps your eyes open better and to not actually touch the eye but just set the contact on the eye and let your blink get the air bubble out. It's actually not hard at all once you do it a few times and is very convienent. Also every time you blink the contact will automatically find the best fitting spot which is right on the cornea. usually the only time people get them up under their lid is when they rub their eyes too hard and too long and the lens is dragged by the lid to the corner or if they sleep in them and the eyes roll back or around and the contact gets moved off the cornea. These are things they don't recommend doing anyway so following directions will eliminate this. It's definately worth giving some daily wear lenses a shot.
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