
Help dealing with my counselor?

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I have this counselor at school who, as much as she is nice, seems to be a bit unreasonable. My friends and I have horrible history with her, and she seems to use that to her advantage.

Last year, there was an incident where we were trying to work out a fight with our friend and it may have come across as us ganging up on her, but that really wasn't it. And we went to her cause she told us that she followed confidentiality rules and that she would never break it, but then we found out that she told our principle, and it kind of nearly got me into big trouble.

Then this year, my friends and I decided to get into this support group, kind of like students who want to help others, but we needed votes to get in, so we were telling people if they thought we would make good supporters, they should vote for us, and she comes and asks if we're bullying people to vote for us.

I'm sorry, but it's not really pleasant when we hear somebody call us bullies, especially when all we did was ASK our FRIENDS...

Is it just me or is this accusation kind of unreasonable?

I mean, if she hates us, it's up to her, but seriously...

How am I supposed to react to this? Do I just ignore her or say something? I really don't mean to make this problem bigger than it already is, but this has really gone far enough, we're sick of it.




  1. School counselers ARE a bit weird.  Mine is, at least.  This one reminds me of my Grade 6 teacher, though. She was unreasonable and cruel to me, even though most people were under the illusion she was a nice person.  I still think about it, even though it happened a few years ago.  I would say to wait for the moment, but stragegically place yourselves around the counselor with a valid excuse and examine whether she shows any prejudice towards you.  If she does, then that makes three times, which is always a number to act upon.  Then tell your parents and they can go to the principal about it.  This is actually a really awkward situation for you and it could potentially be made much bigger, so I feel a bit nervous to be saying anything, but good luck anyway.  If you stay calm and don't do anything rash and hopefully nothing more happens from her, by the end of the year, most people will have forgetten and hopefully you will have too.  I'm glad I'm not in your situation.

    Good luck :-)


    P.S.  For somebody writing on Yahoo Answers, you have unusually good spelling and punctuation.  Yay!

  2. 1. She has broken confidentiality - a fundamental principle which underpins her position as a Counselor.

    2. She has unfairly been Judge & Jury without knowing all the facts.

    3. Because of 1 & 2 she has severed the bond of trust between herself and the students she is supposed to support.

    I do wish I was a student at your school! As I am not, I can only hope that you take the above points to the School Board in the form of a letter signed by you all.  Good luck. UK

  3. Wow itsn't it her job to NOT be like that? I think there is something wrong with her.

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