
Help deciding on what kind of fish?

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I have gotten an aquarium and I have only ever had goldfish but I want something new something really nice I have everything I might need filter heater etc. etc. but I don't know what kind of fish to get. I think it's about a 20g tank but I don't know I mean I put about 19g of water in it but that was after I put the rocks in and everything.....Thanks! =D




  1. get a nemo fish

    please answer mine;...

  2. A 20 gallon is good for some small fish like neon tetras, zebra danios, guppies. Or if you want something  larger, how about livebearers like platies, mollies, but only a few because they need alot of space. But if you want something a bit bigger, go with gouramis, not the kissing or giant ones though, because a 20 gallon would be waaay too small.

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