
Help decorate my room?

by  |  earlier

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Heey. Well I'm a 14 year old girl, and was just wondering if you guys had any cheap ways/ideas that I could use to decorate my room?






  1. inflatable furniture! all different colors! it's so fun :D

  2. I would check out or even your local salvation army they have pretty good furniture for cheap and also you can check online on Have fun!

  3. paint: do something exciting that you won't get sick of.

    My room is bright orange with black polka sisters room is blue with black and white checkered board.

    Saving room: If you want to save space, i suggest a loft bed. I have a full size loft bed and I love it. they are often in newspaper classifieds for cheaper than new ones or try that also leads into decoration as well.

    Deceration: try lights. If you have a loft bed ^ you can make your litte "room" below pretty cool. Mine contains a t.v., a futon, a disco ball ($20 at Spencers Gifts) and curtains to close it up. Also try shelves  pretty easy to install display trophies, collections stuff you like. Also if you are not allowed to paint cover your walls in posters, this doesn't have to be exspenive. Buy a calender or two with bands, animals, or colors that you like. Rip out the pages and tape them to your walls. Also try getting a corkboard the are about eight dollars at Target. That can bring alot of color and fun into your room. For curtains (this is a bit exspenive.) try boscovs, they have lots of fun colors. Also try some colorful sheets. Just replacing the smallest details can make your room a lot more enjoyable.
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