
Help discharge!! girls only please!!?

by  |  earlier

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Ok i have been having discharge for about a year now and this month the discharge has gotten worse i sometimes have to change my panties twice a day and when i go to the bathroom there is lots of discharge. My mom thinks i am going to have my period soon. Should i wear panty liner?




  1. Yes, you could wear a panty liner.  You would feel more comfortable I would imagine.  If you are not sexually active, I'd say your mom is probably right.  Considering your age (you apparently have not started having periods yet, if I understand correctly), you're probably not sexually active, but if you ARE or ever have been sexually active, and the discharge is yellowish and has a bad odor you could have a vaginal infection. Otherwise, it's just a normal part of puberty.  

  2. maybe masterbation would ease the flow of discharge.

    a panty liner would be safe to wear for added protection.

    good luck. a good bath each night would help too.

  3. yes. to save your underwear u most def. should.

    good luck! :)

  4. The same thing has been happening to me and my mom said my period would come soon so I just wear a light pad to keep it from staining my underwear.

  5. Your mom's probably right.

    Two things will make you wet "down there".

    1) Your genitals keep themselves clean and healthy by sort of "rinsing" themselves with the fluids that they make... sometimes there's quite a bit of fluid and it can leak out a *lot*, so wearing panty liners or even light pads can be a good thing to help keep your clothes clean.

    2) When your body is aroused sexually ("turned on" or "horny", even if you're not doing or thinking anything sexual) your genitals will get wetter and slipperier... sometimes very, *very* wet... so that a p***s can slide in there comfortably if you have s*x like it's telling you it wants (you don't have to, of course).

    I'm a cook, so the only things I can really compare the healthy smell of a v****a/v***a to are foods and such... and the nearest I can think of is a fairly mild combination of fresh oysters and grated truffles - usually more on the sea-like side, but not "fishy" and certainly not unpleasant. It often smells a little stronger when you're sexually aroused, but not always.

    If the stuff is clear or slightly milky (might be tinted faintly yellow or brown), slippery to maybe a little sticky, and smells "earthy, animal and a little like the ocean", it's almost certainly healthy and good. If it smells truly fishy or otherwise bad, it's probably an infection and you should see a doc.

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