
Help! do i have major issues?

by  |  earlier

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im 17, and have an obsession with ted bundy. i think he was a great guy, and a "legand" i cant stop collecting images of him. iv read almost everything about him. do i need help?




  1. No, I don't think you do if you are just researching his life etc., just as long as this is all that happens, and you do not aspire to be like him or something. If you feel that it is more serious than just "research", then yes, I would seek some medical help...

  2. No, you need to get a life.

  3. As the other answers say, it all depends on your take on Ted. If you think he was a great guy for all the bad things he did, then you may have a problem, with some people, anyway. Everyone has their opinion, and there are going to be some people that disagree with you. But, if you get the sudden urge to be like him, you may want to seek help.

    As for treatment options, you could look for a place that can remove certain memories (i don't know if there is one, but remember the movie Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind), or you could get hypnotized.  

  4. Potentially. I would inquire about some sort of psychiatric help. People tend to mimic people they idolize. If you start having feelings that you want to copy this man, it could cause problems....for obvious reasons. Go speak to your parents about getting some therapy. Tell them that you don't want to speak about why you need it, but you know for sure that   it's necessary.

    Good luck with your unusual problem.

  5. Well, you know you have a problem, so your sane.

    Celebrity obsessions are normal quite normal.

    If you get more worried by this, seek help.

  6. not unless you think he is s**y or you want to do the things he did.  It is ok to be interested in people or try to find out what made them do what they did but he is not a role model by any means.  you may want to seek help.

  7. Just laugh about it! Having an obsession with someone doesn't mean you have any major issues. We are all fans of someone.

  8. if you think he's a great guy then yeah i'd say you need help - if you read all about him you'll know he's killed women and even children. He was sick and twisted beyond belief. Which part of this man is great i'd like to know. I hope this is a wind up or i'm seriously worried about the human race!

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