
Help! do you look to the right or left first when crossing a crosswalk? intersection?

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Help! in u.s, california,

please help@@@ in u.s , californiawhich way do u look first? left or right? in intersections? in crosswalks? and in railroad crossings? please help




  1. In the US,traffic will  be coming from your left except for crossing one way streets which can have traffic coming from the right.

    Check both directions.

  2. At a regular intersection, look LEFT * RIGHT * LEFT.

    (traffic coming from the left will hit you first)

    At a one-way street- Look the way traffic is coming FROM  

    (But look both ways -- there ARE idiots in the world!)

  3. I look down to see where the curb is, so i don't trip and fall into traffic.


  5. that always confused me too... i guess the right then the left because cars come from the left  i think because if some1 is speeding then the they could be there especially if theres a turn so right then left?

  6. Same rules apply  when driving. Look to the left then to the right then back to the left, when safe, proceed.

  7. id look both ways personaly.... watch out

  8. Check Left first, as that is where traffic is closest to you.  Then look right, then left again.  DO NOT assume that a Walk sign means you are safe.  Look for cars running the red light or turning left or right.

    Simply put, a car weighs around 3000 pounds.  You may weigh 300 - probably a lot less.  A car wins every time.

  9. The key thing being make sure there is no one in the way or coming into the way before advancing.

  10. just go a head and take a wild guess

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