
Help! dogs lives may be at risk!?

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okay so ive asked before and im hoping to get more answers because the people who live next to me leave their dogs outside all the time even in the winter and i saw one of them kick the dog in the neck and i hear crying from a dog over there sometimes like its in pain plus they now have a puppy out there and its been there for months even in the sun and its tied to a tree so it cant even get shade and one of the dogs has a ton of ticks and the hair is soo gross i need a better answer then to just to talk to them about it because i doubt it'll help




  1. call the animal cops or your local humane center or even reguler cops do this to

  2. Obviously they do not care about their pets.  Call your local humane society or animal shelter.  Calls are anonymous so they won't come back on you.  Talking to them probably won't help, but a big fine and potential jail time may make them think twice about doing it again.

  3. you should definantely call the police and/or contact an animal society like an animal shelter, etc.         thats neglect and its illegal

  4. All good answers, and if you can get a photo or two that's good too.

    or video, anything you can use in case the cops don't find anything wrong.


  5. You need to contact either the humane society or your animal control officer and tell them what is going on.  The dogs can't speak for themselves so it's up to us to help them.  

  6. Call your local Animal Shelter NOW and report them.  Hopefully the shelter will come get the dogs.  Or have the police do it.

  7. Call the police they will remove the animals and the people will be fined

  8. Please keep calling until someone rescues these poor dogs.  Depending on where you live there are several  available agencies to call.  


    Sheriff dept.

    Police dept.

    animal welfare

    Humane society

    Or better yet call a news station, sometimes they love a story like this and will definitely get results in a hurry!

    I would stay away from these horrible people and turn them in to everyone who would listen to what they are doing to those dogs.

    Add: getting kicked out of their house?  Good!  Now keep calling someone will listen and take care of the dogs.

  9. call the cops! they should give you a number for an animal place to call. you can be anomous if you reqest it

  10. Call Animal Control and make a report.  You can't let this go on.  They've suffered long enough.

  11. its just better to call animal control and let them deal with it. it sounds mean but its really none of your business and could actually get you hurt if they found out your interfering in there peoples affairs. where i come from its called being a snitch and could get you killed. i dont mean to sound mean though but thats reality be safe call animal control or ignore the problem and move on with your life its law enforcements problem.

  12. call the ASPCA . they will have them charged and take the animals away. the minimal fine i think is $1000 or up to a year in jail. please do something fast. even call the cops if you have to and they can take it from there if you tell them you dont know who else to call or what else to do


  14. Where do you live?  There has to be someone that you can call.  We have something here in Los Angeles called L.A. Animal Services.  You call them up and they send an investigator out just like they do on t.v.  Also, it is against the law here to have a dog tied to anything for more than 3 hours in a 24 hour period.  Please look in your phone book or call information and find a number for the local ASPCA or Animal Services to report these cruel people.  I wouldn't even bother talking to them (neighbors) about it first.  People like that just don't get it.  Better to simply turn them in.

  15. You can make a call but it will be his word against yours so you need proof. Take pictures so you will have something to prove that the animals are being mistreated. Don't say a thing to him you don't want to tip him off just take pictures they tell so much. If you have a video camera use it also. Then turn him in you will have all the proof and he will be sol. Hope this helps Keep up the good work

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