Okay, I'll go on and press 'Download iTunes 7.7 now'
and then it brings me to a thing where I have to type in my email and it has 2 check boxes, just if I want to get emailed 'new music tuesday and special iTunes offers' and another box like that.
that doesn't really have anything to do with this though... :) i checked yes to both of those, typed in my email and it also says 'windows or vista' like that's what its for, not to choose from it, it just says it on the top. i have windows vista...!
so my emails typed in, the box is checked, i click the 'download iTunes free' button under that.
then a box comes up and do i press 'run' or open'?
sorry i probably typed a lot of unnecessary info but which one do i press, and am i doing it right to download it?
i'm on the box right now, so help please, do i press run or open?
to download it.
first person gets 10 points!!