
Help driving phobia???

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i freak out when i drive, hyperventilate and stuff. does anyone else have this problem? how can i deal?




  1. everyone is nervous at first. especially on busy highways. my advice: find a quite back road and just practice driving over and over until you grow more comfortable with driving. After you do this a few times you'll get used to driving and it wont seem as scary.

  2. Are you afraid of getting into an accident? I used to be until I drove more and more. I still worry from time to time, but as long as I remember to drive defensively, I don't freak out as bad as I used to. It helped to talk to myself... think aloud about what I was doing and drive without the radio on as a distraction. I'm still trying to get the courage to drive on the highway, and I'll ge there one day. It's all about preparing yourself and gradually feeling comfortabe with what you're doing... good luck!
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