
Help dying animal!?

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My friend found a sparrow in the pool and she took him out of the pool and put him on the floor. He's shaking and wet, eyes closed, and he's trying to make noise but no noise will come out. He's cold and wet and he wants to move but he's too weak and he's extremely small not even the size of her palm. He has some down and some feathers so he's probably learning how to fly.

Should she take him to the hospital? He's quivering a LOT.

Please help!




  1. Try to get something down him...something sugary.  Birds have a very high metabolism and he probably needs something to give him some energy.  For a quick pick up, try some corn syrup mixed with water or some sugar water.  Also later, soak some catfood or dogfood in water until it is soft.  Once he warms up, feed that to him.  Keep him warm.  You can even put a blow dryer on low and dry him off.  Good luck!

  2. Gentle warmth with a lamp or a heating pad is the only thing tht might save him now.Also if he survives. get him to a wildlife rehabilitator tomorrow.Call the humane societies or vets in your area till you find one.

  3. ok take him to the neraest wildlife refuge or vet. from there on he should be all right just do it as soon as possible!

  4. ASAP - vet!!

  5. Keep the little fellow wrapped up in a towel and close to your own body heat. You don't need to take him to the vet, that's an unnecessary vet expense on a wild bird. Put the little guy in a cage, under a lamp with some damp bread and fresh water after he's dry. But be prepared, the little guy might die. Hopefully not though.. good luck!

  6. Put him in a towel, and flip the towel over on top of him. Then get a 25 watt light bulb in a troble light and hange it about five or six inches over the bird in the towel. The towel serves two purposes. It keeps the drafts off of him until he dries and the material in the towel will help wick the water off of him. Then after he is dry he will be ready to go back outdoors.

  7. Yes take him to the pet hospital... But first i would get a warm towel to wrap it up in so he will quit shivering!! Good Luck i hope the little fellow is ok!

  8. I am an avid animal lover and will do anything I can do help them.

    That being said, the Vet/Animal hosp would probably put him to sleep & charge you a whopper of a price tag.

    The best thing to do to help this little bird 'over the rainbow bridge' is to either cut its head off w/ a shovel, quick & painless; or put Birdie in a plastic trash bag & tightly secure it to the exhaust pipe of your car & once you start the engine, Birdie will gently go to sleep.

    Or it may be easiest for you to place him on the ground just in front of your tire and roll over him to crush him.

    Please do not have a fit; none of my suggestions are out of meanness or pleasure (far from it). But common logic tells a person to end suffering as quickly as possible. THAT would be the best help you could give this little guy.

    Good luck.

  9. I would take hi to an anial hospital, depending on where you live if hes quivering and shaking he could just be very cold, but thats your best option

  10. sure bring him to the vet! i have a friend that has brought everything from guinipigs to baby chicks to dwarf hampsters in! what you'll want to do is put her under a heating lamp in a box (plastic is safest with the heating lamp) and a towel try to dry her off, treat her like a baby chick and give her some water to drink,

    she might be dying however and there is nothing you can do

    but the vets is a fine options as well! or just call them and ask for some help, you might not need to bring her in

  11. Put him as close to a bare bulb as you can gt without burning the house down. It needs heat, and FAST!

    Any more questions, PLEASE email me! I can help.


  13. Lol not a human hospital. The poor animal probably is in pain. You should feed him, and make sure he has plenty to drink.

  14. get an animal heating lamp asap, go to like wal mart see if there is one there, and try to fluff his feathers dry, and i hope he gets well and in the morning or so maybe take him to animal rescue's

    and save the reciept and take heating lamp back lol

  15. give him something warm to eat and then take him to bird doctor!

  16. call the animal shelter by you, and they will most likely give you the number of a wildlife center.

    they can help

    EDIT>If you cant take him anywhere you should at least call somewhere that can give you professional help on what to do until you can get transportation

  17. these things happen, its nature. i dont think many animal hospitals will help and taking care of a baby bird alone is a challenge

    if you have a heating pad, put it on low, cover it with a towel and put it in a box for the bird. it should be about 85 degrees

    line a small container, like a tupperware container, with rags and put the baby bird inside. put the container on the heating pad.  you can feed it small peices of grapes or watermelon.  or u can give it gatorade. dip ur fingers in it and put drops on the tip of its beak.  but try to avoid giving it liquids.

    soak cat or dog food in water till its mushy and mash it....u can add more water, it should be like oatmeal...feed it with a small plastic stick or something.  it wont eat very much at a time. good luck!

  18. Put him somewhere warm.  See if you can find his nest in the morning.  

    Poor thing was trying to learn how to fly and hit a pool.  I guess they don't teach 'em how to deal with that in flying school.

    It's probably going to die.  Just so you're ready.

  19. try wrapping him up in a towel to keep him warm, and see if that helps, I would take him to the vet,  but its up to you if you want to go to all the effort, i would

  20. omg yes take him please.
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