
Help false period????????

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about a year ago my whole family was at my little sisters basketball game. in the middle of the game, my mom ran out to the bathroom with her and i assumed she got her period and she did. i couldnt believe it because i had not even gotten my period yet and she is as flat as an ipod and doesnt even have that much pubic hair. (i got my period a few months later so i know what goes on people) anyway, she had the period or whatever you want to call it just for a day and then it never came back. does anyone know what the heck happened and is it unhealthy. what does it mean??? im very curious. thanks




  1. there can be a year between your first period and your second. they are really irregular but its natural.

    also you dont nessiserily have b***s and pubic hair when you start your period. i was pretty flat chested and didnt have that much when i started mine.

  2. she could have broken her hymen or something. you bleed a little when that happens but most girls break theirs when they use a tampon so they don't notice

  3. Well, I developed alot more before I got mine, but some girls don't compeltly finsh major puberty before getting it.

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