
Help! fear of going back to school!?

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Im homeschooled and in 7th grade. My mom wants to put me back in school though i am perfectly happy homeschooling. first of all, i am completely scared of testing. my online school lets us have open notebook for our semester exams. is it the same in regular school? what if i stay back a grade? i really wouldnt want that to happen! i am very proud of my brain and its contents. second of all, im scared that more people, equals more rejection!! i used to be the person who everyone wanted to talk to and be with, i wasnt shallow NO! but i was popular. then this new girl moved in and ruined my life! she made me think i was a loser and turned everyone against me, and after that my self-esteem vanished! now i think of myself as and call myself a loser. help please!!!!




  1. It sounds like you are worrying about a lot of what ifs. What if I can't have open book tests (you probably can't, btw)? What if I don't have any friends? What if I stay back a grade? What if this, what if that? By worrying about all these things, you are essentially already hiding out in a little hole and kids WILL pick up on it.

    First thing is to stop worrying about things you can't control. Deal with these things as they come up, to control the aspects you CAN control (although, talking to a guidance counsellor about test anxiety and how to deal with it wouldn't be a bad idea).

    Second is to stop thinking about yourself as a loser. "As a man thinketh, so is he." You MAKE yourself a 'loser' every time you call yourself that. How do you want to be? See yourself as that. BE that. Don't ever let some snot-nosed witch make you think otherwise.

    Eleanor Roosevelt is attributed with the following quote: "No one can make you feel inferior without your permission." Don't give anybody that permission! Replay in your mind, if you have to, all the stuff that happened with that girl and turn it into how you would have liked it to happen, in such a manner that you wouldn't have given her permission to make you feel like a 'loser'.

  2. My daughter was homeschool also and entered the 7th grade last year. As her parent we had many fears too. We went to the school and requested to help ease the transititon, could she be paired up with a friend from our neighborhood for all her classes. This other girl gave our daughter a familliar face, helped her get used to the routine, and a friend to sit with at lunch time. This pairing also gave my daughter a chance to meet other people without the fear of rejection. Our kid did fine with the state testing as well. Don't beat yourself up over something that you have no control over. To make a long story short, our daughter is now in 8th grade this year, an honor student, is in the local National Junior Honor Society, plays on the field hockey team and joined chorus. So going back to public school was a great choice for us. My suggestion is to see if the school can pair you with someone you know, either from your neighborhood, church or social group. It helps to go back to school and know that you have a friendly face! Best of luck!

  3. Ignore b*****s like that. As long as you are friendly and you arn't afraid to talk to new people you will make friends. They will understand that you are new so people will give you a chance. Don't worry about it.

  4. Well. It's your parents decision to put you back in school, and if they choose to, you may not like it or accept it. But I would say consider giving it a chance, you may like it.

    I am homeschooled, I homeschool through my local school district. I only go to school once a week. I love it and I am content with it, seems like your the same way and it is fine. If itt is bothering you that much sit down with your parents and talk to them deeply about it, get them to understand how you truly feel.

    Well I never take open book exams, my school doesn't let us. Usually for me after each class I take I take a mid term, in class when I go to school once a week. In regular school some teachers have allowed open book test, but alot of them don't. At least that is how it was for me, before I got homeschooling.

    As far as your staying back a grade don't focus on the negative try to think positive about the situation. If you pay attention in class, do your coursework and homework, you should be fine, so don't worry about getting held back a grade, it's not worth the worry.

    It's good to know that you are proud of your brain and it's contents, good for you!

    Why are you scared?

    Rejection is something you face in everyday life not just school, that means jobs, and other opportunities, rejection is apart of life. Sorry to give such tought love but get over it, it's rejection not the end of the world, if you don't get used to it, now you can just forget it. Rejection is rejection nothing more nothing less, it won't kill or hurt you, so it's okay to get rejected. Nothing is wrong with that.

    You cannot worry about being shallow, or being non-popular or etc. Your not going to school to brag or show boat that, you are going to school for an education, stay focused! Education is very important in life. Stop worrying about what the next girl is doing, is she affecting your life completely, no! So don't worry about her, worry about yourself!

    Your not a loser, you just worry about minute things to much, that's not good, worry about yourself, think good thoughts about yourself, and stop worrying about everyone else, they are not you, and they are not living your life, so tell them to get over it, and you move ahead. Check out my source.

  5. The only way you can do is get back to school to overcome your fears. Think positive and optimistic. You can't stay to be loser for all of your life. If others can survive then why can't you. You! that once a popular has more the possibilities to become a popular again. If not, give way for others to get popular,too.

    Go! go! get back to school and gain more confidence. See you there with high hopes.

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