
Help finding a Legit Modeling company?

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Me and my best friend are aspiring models and we found a company that sounded pretty good, called Via Entertainment. Well, they turned out to be a scam after they asked for us to pay them $350 for a profolio. But before we figured out it was a scam, we told just about EVERYONE that we were models. Well now that it bombed out on us, we need an actual modeling company that won't s***w us over in Phoenix, Az because we'd rather not be called liars, fakes, ect because we got a little ovre excited. Does anyone know a LEGIT modeling agency in Phoenix, Arizona????




  1. I'm not familiar with an agency but I know my friend uses models for her photography portfolio.  You know, you help her by modeling and she helps you by creating your portfolio.

    I've seen folks post on Y!A looking for models for weekend gigs.  Craigs list has had a few too.

    Have you checked out this yet?

    You should have known that if you're paying to do the work then the business is a scam.  Hopefully you won't get taken advantage again.

    Good luck.

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