
Help finding a herb in portuguese. please? Alecrin?

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hey there, i have a friend in need of this herb. he is from portugaul and knows of an herb called Alecrin. That is the Portuguese name of it. He wants to know what the marketing name of it is in america. he needs to purchase it somehow in america. he and i are both in america and live here. it's for a loved one suffering from cancer and he has hear good things from this herb. im doing my own research as well, but i thought i'd ask you guys for immediate responses, please let me know if you can find anything about the herb, alecrin.

thanks in advance, so much




  1. Alecrim, Alecrin Dourado

    Que nasceu no campo sem ser semeado!........

    I'm from Brazil and you just made remember this song from when I was a kid..

    But sorry.. I don't know how to say it in english....

    EDIT: Actually.. Iguess it's just Alecrim...

    EDIT: Hmm.. actually... Again.. It could be rosemary if the translation for this song is right.

    EDIT: LOL... Also, It can be found at any nursery. I used to work at one and they had rosemary's but i just had no idea it was alecrim...

  2. The latin name is Rosmarinus Officinalis L., it won't be difficult to find.

    It has many therapeutic properties, reinforcing the natural defenses of the body. But it's obviously not a cure, sadly...

    I hope your friend feels better, don't give up!

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