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what are some good (experiment) science project ideas for an 8th grade science project?

my teacher said no experiments on human behaviors, or anything like with molds or mildews

so all of my ideas have been shot down

im not looking to win anything, im just looking for an A




  1. how about tree sap? or chalkdust?

    The effect of sound on plants  

    Plants in different environments (light intensity, colour)  

    The effect of nicotine, air, yeast on mold growth  

    Factors affecting the strength of hair, the growth of bacteria, molds or yeast  

    Experiment with Hydroponics  

    Use seedlings started from seed with three types of soil and >different rates of fertilizer  

    The effectiveness of Antiseptics and soaps on household bacteria  

    The effect of air pollution on algae, protozoa, fish, insects or mosses and lichens  

    Comparing types of artificial light on plant growth  

    Conditions necessary for the life of a brine shrimp  

    The commercial uses of algae methods of production  

    Producing mutations in bacteria, yeast, protozoa or molds  

    Best conditions for mushroom production, growth of ferns  

    The effects of ultrasonic antibiotics temperature changes on bacteria count  

    Microbial antagonism  

    Reaction of paramecia, planaria to pH, light and temperature conditions  

    Plant tropisms and growth hormones  

    Transpiration rates for different plants and conditions  

    Sugar level in plant sap at different times and dates  

    Using radioisotopes to study uptake of plant nutrients  

    A study of territoriality in mice  

    A study of the cleaning habits of mice  

    Observation of conditioned responses in different animals  

    A study of animal phosphorescience and other biolumincescences  

    Learning and perception in animals and humans  

    Studies of memory span and memory retention  

    Age versus learning ability  

    A study of the relation between physical exercise and learning ability  

    Is audio or visual information better remembered  

    The effect of bleaching and dyeing on hair  

    A study of the percentage of DNA (by weight) in different species  

    Factors affecting the enzyme's reaction rates  

    Genetic variations across a Sansevieria leaf  

    Factors affecting seed germination (e.g. soil temperature, pH)  

    Root formation in cuttings versus lighting conditions  

    Factors affecting flowering  

    Study of sterility in plant hybridgs (F1 and F2)  

    Comparison of different plant's ability to add humus to the soil  

    Factors affecting Nodule Formation in Legumes  

    Can household compounds (e.g. tea) be used to promote good health in plants  

    Effects of cigarette smoke on the growth of plants  

    The effects of water impurities on plant growth  

    The effects of phosphates on aquatic plants  

    Effect of mineral deficiencies on protein content in soybeans  

    The effect of excess salinity on plants  

    A study of the tumours produced in plants by agrobacterium tumifacieus  

    The effect of polarized light on plant growth directica  

    The effects of solar activity on plant growth  

    Tracing solar activity cycles in tree growth rings  

    The effects of electric fields on plants  

    The effects of magnetic fields on plant growth  

    Effects of magnetism on the size and frequency of blooms and fruits  

    Does magnetizing seeds before planting affect growth  

    The effects of XRay and other radiation on plants  

    The effect of music of varying types and duration on plants  

    Organic fertilizer versus chemical Fertilizer  

    Study of population fluctuations in insects  

    A study of toxicity of insecticides versus temperature  

    Is polarizes light the guidance system for Foraging ants  

    A study of stimuli that attract mosquitos  

    The factors affecting the rate at which a cricket chirps  

    Study of insect of animal behaviour versus population density  

    A study of diffusion through cell membranes  

    Growth of plant and animal cells by cloning  

    Regeneration in sponges, Paramecia, Planaria, etc.  

    Manipulation of Vegetative reproduction in plants  

    Search for nearvacuum environment tolerant plants

    Design considerations for "Solar Heated" homes  

    Design considerations for "Solar-Cell" powered homes  

    A study of propeller designs for wind generators  

    Production of electrical energy from mechanical sources  

    Study of efficient home insulation  

    Comparing Insulative Properties of various natural and commercial  


    The effect of landscaping and architecture on energy consumption  

    Efficiency studies on transformers  

    The effect of temperature on resistance  

    Study of formation of images on a T.V tube  

    Efficiency studies of L.E.D.'s (light emitting diodes)  

    L.E.D illumination versus incandescent illumination in practice  

    Voice communication with infrared light and fibre optics  

    Find the maximum speed in fibre optic links  

    Study of various phosphors in fluorescent lighting  

    Structure versus strength in dams  

    Testing and comparing consumer products  

    Study of accuracy of calculators  

    The mathematics of snowflakes  

    Observational orbit determination of comets, meteors or other minor planets  

    The effect of solar activity on radio propagation  

    Observations of sunspots, flares and prominences  

    A study of solar flares through the sudden enhancement of atmospherics  

    The ide

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