
Help finding copy of my 1988 class yearbook

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Can anybody help me? I am looking to find a copy of a 1988 San Dimas High School Yearbook. Mine was stolen in a home roberry, & I have tried everywhere to obtain a copy. PLEASE PLEASE Help. Thanks in advance




  1. Go on and ask around. Maybe someone who graduated another year (like 1990) would have a copy they wouldn't mind giving up.

    Contact yearbook staff from that year. Often they get extra copies.

    Contact the yearbook teacher from that year. She/he might have extra copies.

    Try your local library. If they have copies, you can look up names in their yearbook to help you get a hold of other people who might have copies.

    Check eBay. People sell off stuff like that ALL OF THE TIME.

  2. Contact the school.

  3. Try the local library. Often they will have the annuals of local schools.

  4. I would try ebay . I would also try, and other or all used bookseller websites.

    The sites I mentioned above all have email notification or want lists that you create - and they are all for free. It would be in your best interests to use those tools because your yearbook might show up and if you don't have those tools in place, you will miss finding your yearbooks. There is no guarantee that you will find them however, but at least you will have a chance (however slim) that you might come across the yearbooks you seek.

    Another method you might try, if you still live in your hometown that you graduated from, is the local flea markets or tag sales. You might even place an ad in the newspaper of the location that the yearbooks were given out. Most newspapers actually have free ad sections that are available online and you can write your ad and submit it by the web.

    I hope these ideas help in your search for your yearbook.

    Best Regards


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