
Help first day of school......?

by Guest56682  |  earlier

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ok im going into my freshman year of high school this year and im very nervous. i just moved to a new town and only know a few people. the high school is so big i have no clue were any thing is. plz just give me some advice im a nervous wreck right now lol.




  1. ok well all i have to say is i feel the same exact way! and

    im sure alot more people do to not just us lol!

    i have no idea who im sitting with yet in lunch!

    i hate waking up early!

    im barely starting high school!

    and i have no idea where my classes are and the

    school is pretty big! and the worst thing is i ordered my shoes

    and there still not here yet! and school starts on monday!

    well good luck and just be outgoing since ur a dude =P

    u can join sports like football and basketball or if ur into other stuff like bands and all that stuff then join a club or something! u will make alot of friends! and dont be shy! u have to talk! and say hi to people.(:

    so yeah good luck again(:

  2. Dont be too nervous or you will be a nervous wreck on your first day.Try and relax and it will be fine. I understand that since you just moved to a new school it might seem overwhelming but trust me it isnt. I moved to a new town in 5th grade and i know its different for high school but just ask some of the new people you know to help you out. Everyone is running around on the first day frantic about not knowing where any thing is. I was too! The teachers are there to help you find your classes. Just remember to study and focus in class. And do your homework! But don't forget to have some fun too and make it enjoyable for yourself so you have a great year!! Good luck!

  3. I felt the exact same way going into my freshman year.

    You just have to take it as it comes...and don't worry about it...

    seriously whats the worse that can happen...

    On the first day of school go to your classes( and if you need help finding them...just ask people in the hall...surely they will tell you where the class is) and then once you get to your class try talking to people...and be yourself..if you let your nerves get to you it will only make things worse...believe me I know a lot about nerves myself...cause I was very nervous beginning freshman year...

    don't'll do fine..

    Good Luck!!!

  4. you can use the excuse of you not knowing anyone or where anything is to meet people.

    go up to someone you think is cool and be like hey, can you help me find this? or do you know where this class is?

    then when youre in your classes and youre sitting next to someone who looks pretty cool, be like hey whats up? so im new here, do you think you could introduce me to some people? yeah? oh cool, so maybe during lunch then? awesome thanks.

    and do that in all your classes, so you can meet a lot of new people.

    but make sure to get yourself out there the first week of school, because thats when people really establish their groups of friends.. after that it can get even harder to make friends.

    dont be nervous, look at this as an opportunity to be the kind of person you want to be. (dont lie about who you are or anything lol) but you can be outgoing if you want, kind of like a new start.

    oh, and dont cling to those few people that you know.. that will only force you to stay in your shell. of course talk to them and meet people through them, but you need to venture out of your comfort zone.

    trust me, people wont be mean to you, and if they are.. then theyre not the kind of people you want to hang out with.  

  5. Just relax you'll find penalty of new friends. when i was new i knew nobody and now i know almost everybody on my 2nd year!! so you'll do fine. At lunch ask your friends you knew if u can sit by some people don't know. or try meeting some other new kid!!!!  Also if u get lost ask someone thats been there like a student or a teacher it might be weird asking a teacher but your new and a freshman so they will understand!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Hope this helps!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :) ;)

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