
Help first ever interview?

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OK I have an interview with pleasure island and I was wondering if anyone could give me some tips.




  1. Make sure you are in the right frame of mind before you enter the building for the interview. A good tip is to call a friend who you can have a laugh with before you go in, it will make you more relaxed.

    Answer any questions honestly and be sure to ask a few questions about the workplace to highlight you are generally interested in the position.

    Dress appropriately and shake the interviewer hand before you sit down.

    BE POSITIVE! When asked 'how are you?' a lot of people make the mistake of saying 'not bad thanks'. The most successful candidates reply 'very well thanks, how are you?'. Its the small details which make the big difference.

    Finally be on time, leave at least 30 minutes to spare just in case you hit traffic on the journey or you train is late.

    Hope this helps and good luck!!

    Kind regards,


  2. <> Be positive, and smile. Perhaps whitten your teeth. Walk straight and confident. Offer to shake hands. Sit straight all the time.

    <> Learn about the company on their website, in the library, in the career center at a local university. Answer interview questions in the context of what you have learned.

    <> Learn about yourself. Practice in front of a  mirror answering questions such as: What are your five greatest strenghts, and what are your five greatest weaknesses. Offer examples of what you mean.

    <> Dress for success... wear something appropriate. No caprice pants or low cut tops. No stileto shoes or scrubbs. Limit your makeup, and do a conservative hairdo.  No gum chewing. No heavy parfume.

    <> Be yourself. Try to  enjoy it! Good luck.

  3. Be positive and don't mumble. Good luck, I hope you land the job.

  4. Get the book 'Great answers to tought interview questions' by Martin John Yate.

    It will help you more than the title suggests.

  5. Dress professionally.  It never hurts to dress as if you're interviewing for the C.E.O.'s job, rather than for the Cotton Candy Cart. It shows respect for the employer.  If you come in dressed like you just left the skate park, you're most likely not going to get the job, based on the prejudice that skaters are all disrespectful punks who will lip off to people in authority.  Remember, this is your first impression, and it could very well be your last if you come off as less than respectful.

    Be clean and freshly showered, including washing your hair.  It may sound weird, but a lot of people show up for interviews needing a shower.  I've never once hired one of those people.

    Do NOT wear any strong perfumes/colognes.  The interviewer may have allergies.  It's best to just go in clean with fresh deodorant on.  Save the designer fragrances for the next school dance.

    Any makeup or jewelry you wear should be tasteful, and not overdone.  Wear minimal amounts of makeup.  Don't show up with 1/4 inch of eyeliner around your eyes and eye shadow/blush that looks like it was put on with a paint roller.  If you wear jewelry, keep it to an absolute minimum.  Multiple rings and/or chains around your neck are distracting, and unless you know the company's policy on jewelry already, you could very well be violating their dress code.  if you have "exotic" piercings, either hide them or take them out for the interview.  Very few companies, especially family businesses, are wiling to hire someone with a big silver barbell through their nose or gauges in their earlobes.

    Make sure your teeth are brushed and your breath is fresh.  Chew some mint gum beforehand if you don't have a chance to brush immediately prior, but remember to take the gum out of your mouth before you go into the interview.

    Be confident!  You know you're great for the job, don't you?  If you project that to the interviewer, they're going to feel it.

    It's okay to be nervous.  It may even help if you mention something about being a little nervous since this is your first interview ever.  The interviewer may cut you some more slack than they otherwise might because you're very new to the job market.

    Above all, relax.  What's the worst thing that can happen?  They tell you you're not right for the job?  Big deal.  It's not the end of the world.  Take what you've learned from this interview and use it to be better at your next interview.

    Good luck!

  6. Be CONFIDENT, a person showing confidence and willingness is always a winner.

  7. Before; practice common interview questions in a mirror; the questions are super easy just remember to not stray into negative things. This is important; keep your resume positive. Wear something business like and professional; nice shoes; this shows your not ******** around. Show them your leadership skills and stay confident through out the interview and they'll might just hire you.

    Best of luck

  8. do a lot of research on the company and be confident and sell yourself as best as you can good luck also be on time you don't say what the job is be dress as professionally as you can as employers look for good appearance as well as good timekeeping i hope you get the job  

  9. PREPARE yourself if it isyour first job interview with a company. Some useful tips which would help:

    1) Dress smart and simple, eg. do not wear jewellery that is too catchy which distracts the interviewer's attention.

    2) Smile when greeting them

    3) Be positive and confident with your answers

    4) Watch your body language when in front of your interviewer eg. sit up straight

    5) Sell yourself eg. if they ask you question like 'Why do you want this job?'

    Good luck.  

  10. ok well they will want to see your personality a bit so smile walk tall and act confident if your nervous it will show.

    Good luck i hope you get the job!


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