
Help fix my Crystal Beast Deck? (Rate/Suggestions?)?

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3x CB Topaz Tiger

3x CB Emerald Tortoise

2x CB Amber Tortoise

2x CB Amethyst Cat

2x CB Cobalt Eagle

2x CB Ruby Carbuncle

2x Dweller in the Depths

1x Magna-Slash Dragon

1x Gravi-Crush Dragon

1x Hamon, Lord of Striking Thunder


1x Crystal Blessing

2x Crystal Beacon

2x Ancient City - Rainbow Ruins

1x Crystal Release

1x Crystal Tree

2x Crystal Promise

1x Crystal Abundance

1x Pot of Avarice

1x Lightning Vortex

1x Nobleman of Crossout

1x Mystical Space Typhoon

1x Swords of Revealing Light


2x Crystal Raigeki

1x Crystal Pair

1x Last Resort

1x Ultimate Offering

1x Magic Cylinder

1x Sakuretsu Armor

Right now i'm trying to get my hands on a few copies of CB Saphire Pegasus and I know that my CB Deck won't be complete without them. Just try and rate my deck how it is at the moment. thanks!




  1. Monsters: 18

    2 Rainbow Dragon

    1 Hamon, Lord of Striking Thunder

    3 Crystal Beast Sapphire Pegasus

    2 Crystal Beast Amber Mammoth

    2 Crystal Beast Topaz Tiger

    2 Crystal Beast Cobalt Eagle

    2 Crystal Beast Amethyst Cat

    2 Crystal Beast Emerald Tortoise

    2 Crystal Beast Ruby Carbuncle

    Spells: 16

    3 Ancient City - Rainbow Ruins

    3 Rare Value

    2 Crystal Abundance

    2 Crystal Beacon

    2 Crystal Blessing

    2 Crystal Promise

    2 Lightning Vortex

    Traps: 7

    3 Crystal Raigeki

    1 Crystal Counter

    1 Rainbow Path

    1 Rainbow Gravity

    1 Torrential Tribute

    Total: 41 cards

  2. i am surprised and humbled to see that there are other people besides me who can appreciate a crystal beast deck not run off of rainbow dragon. However, your deck runs too slow as is! you need more crystal spell cards and less fillers! of course, MST is a MuST, (lol) but pot of avarice, S of RL, even ultimate offering, they're just not necessary! but you take those out and add more crystal pairs and crystal blessings, you'll do fine!

  3. hey u really need a pegasus watea it is dont buy one out of the tin just trade, change the sak for a mirror force, take out magic cylinder dosnt get rid of monsters, and i think it will start looking abit better , can u plz make this your top answer... thx

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