
Help for a 19-year-old cat with arthritis?

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She's as old as dirt, but has the mind and energy as a kitten. Problem is that the groomer says she has arthritis in her hips. There is really no cure or prescription plan with the vet. The groomer recommend Glucosamine to reduce swelling. Has anyone tried this or have any recommendations?




  1. I would not trust a groomer to diagnose that. You are in a  more capable position to know if there is arthritis. Have you notice anything in the way she walks?

    If so glucosamine may help. What may help more is a heating pad to lie on!

    Best of luck

  2. Cats can have glucosamine- I think that you can buy treats and food with it added - not the typical commercial foods though- I put it in my home made food and mixed it in - it wasn't good for my diabetic so I stopped using it.  There's a liquid supplement called Synflex that is for arthritic pets- cats and dogs- check it out on line-

  3. Try this:

    It takes up to a month to show any improvement,but it is great stuff. You can get it at your vet or order it online.

  4. i have 1 cod liver oil capsules a day to help maintain  my joints and arthritis.

    you can try most herbal shops they will tell you and advise you what to get to help your cat, or you can check this link

  5. it is awful to watch any animal going through pain.but there is nothing that anyone can do with arthritis .she is very old to i would seek your vets avice on this one

  6. Cat's have arthritis...never knew

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