
Help for a church food pantry....any advice?

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Hi there, I need some advice or ideas for a church food pantry. I know you can go to grocery stores and feel out apps for donations, but anyone have any other ideas as to where to go for donations?

A drive through the church has already been started, but I am sure there are more resources other than this.

Thank you for any advice.

P.S Serious responses only please!! Thanks :-)




  1. You can try and hold a contest in the school to see which class can collect the most unparishable foods... you can also host an event where the admission fee is a food donation.

  2. Are there any "farmer's markets" in your area? Sometimes, they're only open on the weekends, and get rid of food on Sunday.

    Try and post weekly (or whatever is allowed) in your area for donations.

    Are there any major companies in your area? Most large companies have a significant amount of money set aside for contributions throughout the year ( is one of them). Try your local supermarkets for "Save-a-Tape" programs. I work at a supermarket and we have one.

    Around Christmas, Easter, Thanksgiving, ask people to donate their extra free turkey/ham from their employer or supermarket to your pantry.

    Give people an opportunity to "sponsor" someone's (or some family's) meal(s) for a day or a week...

  3. Every city has at least one food bank, you can look it up in the yellow pages, or at  Most churches get their food from food banks because it's way cheaper and more reliable than doing food drive, though they do those too to supplement what they buy.  Try contacting other food pantries in your area to see where they go to get their food, they may have a good source and would be glad to tell you about it because the more food pantries there are, the less burden on the others.

  4. How about a ad in the news paper stateing your need and pick a date and place to drop off.

  5. i also agree with the first response. maybe talking to the principal of a school about holding a contest could be great. the contest could be that the class who raises the most amounts of foods will win a prize like a pizza party or something... but you have got to remember that the food the bring has to be like canned food you know unparishable foods. : )

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