My husband and I have been married for 6 months and I've already noticed major changes in both of us. I've started realizing that he doesn't give me what I need, things like cuddle time, support, kissing regularly, etc. We don't spend much time together, and when we do we argue. He sits on his computer or reads most of the night and I do the same, in a separate room. We've actually started sleeping in separate beds, not because we don't want to sleep together, but because the bed I sleep in severely hurts his back, and the bed he sleeps in severely hurts my back. Our s*x life is still good, and very constant, but it seems that anything we do outside the bedroom leads to arguments and one of us storming out of the house. Part of our stress is because we recently moved back to our hometown and we're living with my mother, which adds a lot of unnecessary stress, but I still feel as though we're falling apart, and fast. We don't have fun with each other anymore, we used to laugh and play all the time, but now, time together is so negative. And I've found myself craving physical attention from guys (Not sexual, just hugs, snuggling, things that I don't get from my husband). Aside from counseling, what can be done to help our marriage? Every time we discuss our issues with each other, it turns into an argument and then a fight.