
Help for a serious artist block?

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Lately, ive been having a serious artist block. Not your typical, no inspiration artist block. I have plenty of inspiration, ideas, and things that I want to do, but everything just seems to come out, I dunno, wrong. I'm having more difficulty than usual drawing things that I already had trouble with, especially anatomy. Ive tried really sitting down and drawing a lot, for refresh and practice, but even that im having trouble with. Im thinking maybe its a sign that I should focus on other things in my life right now, but IM hoping thats not the case because drawing is truly one of my loves and passions and I want to continue laying out my thoughts on paper and improving. I really dont know what my trip is, could any fellow artists or anyone help explain what is going on with me? Thank you in advance




  1. I have the same problem. I decided to study something else entirely because of it. BUT from speaking with other friends with VERY similar problems, I honestly think depression of some kind is the cause.

    I was referred to chakra therapy and meditation. Without focusing on your specific problem, meditation can give you insight into what is holding you up in life in general and possibly the particular question of artist block.

  2. We (artists) all suffer from this from time to time.  I am a mixed media artist, but drawing is my favorite.  Whenever I start feeling like this, I pretty much, just go online and start checking out types of art that are new to me. (i.e., journaling, Manga, Outsider art) and see how I can capture some of their technique and make it my own.  On the other hand, sometimes we do have to step away and regroup, but quit?  Never.  Hang in there, we've all been there.  

  3. Try drawing using the opposite hand or draw figures upside down from what they appear is not only great practice but it may help to stimulate your creative side.  You may also want to investigate different mediums, get crazy and mix mediums like pastells and photography, paint on photos, paint on an onion, just do anything other than the norm.

  4. You sound like your in a rut. Depressed, almost.

    I think you just need to take a break, or just chill out. Whatever makes you happiest and at your most calm state.

    Dont worry about it.

    You'll still be able to draw, I think right now you just need to realize that its all going to be okay, and chill out.

    You sound super stressed, m'dear.

  5. We all hit blocks and they suck!  When it comes to drawing, one thing that helps me is to go somewhere different/ new (coffee house, book store, park, just "someplace else") and try to draw negative space.  I don't want to talk down to you and don't know if you know what that means so I'll explain - hope you don't mind!

    Drawing negative space basically means drawing what isn't there.  Look at a chair.  You see the wood and the lines that make up each piece of the chair.  Well, look at the space between the legs - that is "negative space" - draw that space and the more you draw it, the more you realize that the "positive" (the chair) comes out of the drawing.

    Sometimes I'm inspired after taking a Saturday seminar but that's not a sure thing.  You could also try to gather up a few artist friends and spend a few hours drawing or interpreting (or at least discussing) something (draw a vase or talk about how the light/shadows hit the vase or the way it's not symmetrical if you look at it from a certain angle, etc..).

    I hope some of this helps!  Good Luck!

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