My 13 year old son has been diagnosed with ASD and LD. He is reading at a mid 1st grade level. Tutoring helped a lot, but the only program that works is $40/hour. They say he's capable of reading with lots of help, but his teachers have told me they think he is unteachable. He's never been a behavior problem, and sometimes I think that's part of the problem. The squeaky wheel always gets the grease. He is very quiet and hard to talk to. He wants to read, but says he just doesn't get or remember what the teachers are trying to teach him. He is very shy and hasn't many friends. So, 2 questions: 1) how to deal with educators who want to let him slide yr. after yr. 2) what to DO with him all summer, he wants to play video games and watch tv all summer long- better than hanging out on the streets. The only thing that motivates him is money. We don't have a lot of that or I'd PAY him to do some reading. No summer jobs for a mumbling, kinda slow-ish teenager around here, either.