
Help for being in a fight!!?

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if i were to fight someone, what would be the most effective areas to hit them or to stun them?




  1. In the groin !

    Or the nose. The groin shot would be very effective as it would almost certainly have them on the floor. The nose shot would be equally effective as it would make their eyes water.

  2. obviously you've never had a fight.

    basically you want to sucker punch someone and hope they can't recover in time for you to run or actually have to "fight"

    I don't condone fighting other than recreation or sport.

    all that being said...there is no real area since you don't know your opponent well enough. you may hit him in the nose and he may have an adrenaline rush and rip you to shreds.

    don't fight kid. Leave it to the guys who scrap for a living or sport.

  3. i would say it the face or between thier legs

  4. Yes I agree with the majority here.  Straight to the groin.

  5. Well, this is not so difficult, throat, eyes, groin, soft tissue around mouth, nose., hinge joints are easy to break (elbows, wrists, knees.  There is more, always more.

    Y'know, when I was in Army (IDF) I remember kicking a guy very hard in the groin, I lifted him up, and it got him very mad, so groin is good shock shot to set up for other areas, it bent him over, so I could rake the eye and work joint locks, before he could get a chance to charge me.

    Please remember there is no magic bullet, your success in a fight will depend on you, there is so much your instructor can give you, the rest is up to you, to take the fight to the person and persist, attack with economy of motion, one move setting itself up for the next until the opponent is no longer.

    If a sequence seems to complicated in practice, it surely will be in combat.  This all should be part of your nature, the fight should flow from you, control by attacking, set the pace, bearing in mind that you want to end this person, one way or another, efficiently and quickly.

    Fight your fight, not your opponents.

  6. male groin. jaw both nose as well.

  7. oh grow up. ur not a 5 year old.

  8. Knee, groin, throat, chin, nose!

  9. Fighting is F*ckd! Its a stupid idea!

  10. nah before you hit them in the groin go for the throat first that would make him put his hands around his throat then his whole body would be open for any shot you like.after you strike the throat,punch the nose so then he's trying to block his face while his body and below is vulnerable =D

  11. I don't condone fighting unless it is absolutely warranted in the case of self-defense, but at all other times I consider it unacceptable.

    The normal way to stun someone that is most effective is a kick to the crotch. However it is frowned upon among guys because it is seen as "cowardly". But that is one option.

    The second option is to shoot for the leg, in another words, tackle your opponent and then either straight or hook punches while he is on the ground, known in Mixed Martial Arts as "Ground and Pound". This method needs the element of suprise to work, if it is too slow, your opponent will side step and kick you on the ground.

    The third option is a push kick, but you have to time when your opponent comes in to throw the looping right overhand. Make sure when he is rushing in to throw the punch, step foward and do the push kick, only do it with your right foot. Should back him up.


    My last suggestion is a Karate technique that is effective against looping right hands that people throw. Ignore the stance in the video, but the rest is helpful. Personally, I'd just raise my arm out. After this you can counter with your own right hand. This is the combo I suggest you use.

  12. Why are you asking us? Simple answer if you don't know how to fight don't fight. Nothing anybody on here can tell you will work for you unless you train it over and over, because once the first hit lands, if not before from the fight or flight kicking in, anything you ar ethinking will go right out of your head.

    If you want to learn self defense, which is diffrent then fighting, find a good school and train.

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