
Help for bruised Elbow.?

by Guest34280  |  earlier

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Hey, so I was at my friend's house and he was mopping his floor. I didnt know how slippery it was so as it turns out i fell and landed on my right elbow and my back. Well at first my elbow hurt like crazy and I immediately iced it. Afterwards it started swelling, then bruising. Is this something that will heal by itself or should I go check with the doctor? It been around two days since this incident and my elbow bruise still looks the same, only a bit smaller. Thanks guys. Oh by the way, if it will heal naturally, then what are some ways I can help it heal faster?




  1. As long as you are able to bend and straighten out your arm, then you don't have anything to worry about, it's just a bad bruise. You may have bruised the bone.

    I'd recommend sticking to RICE:

    Rest - Try not to use your elbow too much.

    Ice - Ice it for 20 minutes, apply heat for 10 minutes, then ice again for 20 minutes.

    Compression - Splint your arm so your elbow stays straight.

    Elevation - Relax and keep your elbow/arm propped up.

    If it still hurts then try some motrin or advil, or any kind of over the counter anti-inflammatory medicine.

    Yes it will heal on it's own, but if you follow those steps it should heal quicker.

  2. um brusing isnt a bad sin but if it hurts to move ur elboe after a week or so then o see a doctor

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