Next year I'm going to High School. At the moment, my best friend, another good friend and I are going to the same school - and so is 2 'stickys'. We call them 'stikys' because they are nice people but they are really annoying and are like little followers, as they havnt 'matured' to their accual age, but they are goody-goodys etc. Anyways, my friends and I will never make new friends with these 2, who we KNOW will be OMG HIGH SCHOOL next year and be EXTREMELY annoying, people hanging around with us! What are we to do??? We can't say go away we don't like you, because they are nice, but we don't want to hang around them, not only because they are kinda dorky, but annoying. I don't want to hang out with them next year fullstop, I know it sounds really mean but you would understand if you knew them. PLEASE help :(