
Help for teenage mothers?

by  |  earlier

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um ok I'm going to be a mom and I'm 15 yea i know omg

but yea um so i was just wondering

if you all know any sites that i can go to

for help like with money or education

**and you ppl that just want to criticize

or tell me stuff plz dont even answer cuz i

dont want to hear it




  1. there is always wic and at ur school there might be a teen parenting program as well i really dont know much about texas but if you go to your guidance counsler they will put you in the right direction

  2. try

    they have support groups for all types of mothers.  

  3. I don't know if you are thinking about doing this but don't give the baby up for adoption! Later on you will want to know your baby but you may not ever get to see him or her again. The adoptive parents may not let you or something. It will be very emotional for you and the baby. But ya if you go to your school they can do something or go to Planned Parenthood and talk to them, they will help. They are very friendly and if your parents don't know already then Planned Parenthood won't tell them or require that you have them there or anything.

  4. Planned Parenthood can make you unpregnant  

  5. i am not going to criticize you i am going to say that despite your age i think its wonderful that you are wanting to look into education and get more information. So good on you. however I would need to know what country you are in as I am in Australia and if you are also I would be able to give you some tips if not im more then happy to just give you some advise or have a chat if you need to. Ive just had a baby myself, bit older then you though love. if you want to follow me up you can email me threw the yahoo answers, click on my little face. Good luck.

  6. You could always look into adoption? I had a friend in HS that was in your position and she ended up getting her GED though a community college. As for money, maybe get a job? Sure, you're only 15 but there are SOME places that will hire you at that age. Get the baby's father involved and get money from him. Not criticizing but you should really look into all of the things that you can do on your own to better your situation. Good luck

  7. I just turned 16 yesterday and I'm pregnant as well, and what I'm doing is getting my GED and getting a job to help with that situation.. So maybe that will help you as well..

  8. Call your local health department or Child Services.  They can assist you in getting in programs such as WIC and medicaid to help pay for your baby and the formula and medical expenses.

  9. Have you considered adoption?  Many times the adoptive parents will pay for all your expenses.  I understand you don't want to be criticized, but is it really fair to saddle taxpayers with your mistake?  You were old enough to lay down and make that should be old enough to get a job and some health insurance.  If you cannot do that, consider adoption.  Please go to planned parenthood as soon as the baby is born and get an IUD.  

  10. hey I'm bec, I'm 14 and i was raped leading to me getting pregnant to Hayden,

    try going to early mother groups, or just search on google for young mom websites, good luck =]

  11. sorry i cant help much, i know the programs in NY but im not sure about texas. id google it, here we have WIC and PCAP programs you could try looking for those. id try to get food stamps etc. and always check the internet!!! it helps... yes your young and no im not judging you if your choosing to keep your baby and looking for help than it sounds like your doing the right thing. stay strong!

  12. We don't know where you live - like, which country - so we can't really tell you which services are available for pregnant teens.

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