
Help found an adult bird!!!!!!!

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i found an adult bird it is injured help i dont know wat kind it is but here is a pic




  1. It's a pigeon. It needs a vet that specializes in wild birds. Call a vet and ask for information on what to do. Good luck and bless you for saving this poor birdie, lots of people would just shrug it off and walk by.

  2. its a pigeon. my dad used to breed them. (in the philippines. people want to buy them there...) i would know. go to a local vet. GET HELP!! and fast. it looks really bad...

  3. That is a pigeon. Here is what you do. Keep it warm. Offer it food(wild bird seed) and a shallow dish of water. Keep it calm. Call a local vet that accepts injured wildlife. If not then call a wildlife rehabber in your area. This is free for all wildlife so is the vet. They will tell you what to do and where to take it. What is injured? Does it have bite wounds? Is it just weak? Broken wing? If one wing is droopy chances are it is broke. Do not handle much as it will scare it and it can die from shock. If bleeding find source of bleeding and apply flour or cornstarch to area to stop bleeding. Must be on antibiotics if bite wounds of any kind. Cat and dog saliva are toxic to birds. you can offer it raw peanuts broken up to they love those. Bread is not good. Good luck and thanks for caring. Oh, they love Safflower seeds to.

  4. looks like a pigeon.

    take it to an animal shelter(:

  5. Check for bird mites...little bitty bitty red or brown specks that move around on you and itch.  Just about every wild bird has them, so you probably do too, now....

  6. Its a pigeon.

  7. Its a pigeon u should bring it to a animal haspital.

  8. Idk. but call animal control or a local vet if you want to save it

  9. looks kind of like a pigeon to me.

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