
Help from Breastfeeding moms...?

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okay so I have been happily breastfeeding my daughter now for almost 5 months. I love it. But I am curious to know if there are any other moms out there have times where they just want to stop BFing? Where baby has nursed all day long and they are just tired and don't want to be touched? I love my daughter very much and I love nursing her. But sometimes it can be so over whelming and sometimes I just want to stop.

I don't have PPD. And I don't actually want to quit and I am not going to. But is it all peaches and cream all the time or is it normal to have thoughts off just wanting my body to myself and just get frustrated every once and a while with being a human milk machine.

Is it like you really love your husband but sometimes you just can't stand him??? lol that's the only way I can think of to describe it or compare it.

Thank you for your help and please no negative answers. I am looking for a little help and not bashing. I am tired and really sensitive right now.




  1. I hear ya. I'm the exact same way. I was like that with my first daughter. I weened her off my breast at 11 months and had a 2 month break before my second daughter was born last month. Now I'm back to breastfeeding again. It wasn't till after I weened my first daughter off the breast milk until I realized she wasn't referring to me as momma but food. Every time my  husband would get her food ready she would always say momma. It was kind of a downer for me. She is now 13 months and now realizes I'm momma, not food. It's all good though. I hope to feed my second until she is 12 months old if not longer. It's perfectly normal to feel that way. Congratulations on your baby girl and for sticking to breastfeeding even though you would like to claim back your body.  

  2. There are times that I want to quit, I've even tried getting my fiance to giving him a bottle of formula so I can have a little break. But he didn't want it so I guess we're only going to be exclusively BF. And yes I know what you mean by loving your husband but can't stand them at the same time.

  3. I get sick of breastfeeding all the time.  My daughter is now 7 months and I'm still doing it.  Now that she's older I mix in cereal, bottles as well as baby food.  My daughter loves everything so I'm pretty lucky.  Some days when it feels like all I've been doing is breastfeeding, I just make her a bottle of formula and she's great.  

    I love my boyfriend more than anything, but yes, there are times when he drives me crazy.  It's like he doesn't understand what I go through all day being home with our daughter.  I'm not complaining at all, I'm very thankful I can stay home with her, it's just overwhelming at times.  I've learned to just communicate with him how I'm feeling and what's bothering me.  He makes a great effort to help me out as much as possible.  He'll stay home with the baby so I can have a girl's night out.  He'll take over feedings with bottles.  He's great with diaper duty and play time.

    It gets easier as the baby gets older.  Now that my daughter's 7 months it's so much easier.  She loves to play and watch videos.  She loves Elmo!  We're now able to take her out much more cause she's happy to be out looking at the world!

    Just hang in there, your daughter will be grown before you know it and you'll wish she was still a baby again :)

  4. I do understand your feelings right now.  you can start bottle feeding art daytime and night time you cam give her breastfeeding. so you don't feel tired and stay fresh and you give more time to her.

  5. That's totally understandable! I have been nursing for 9 months and I still feel that way. I can't wait until I have my body to myself again. It's so over whelming, but on the other hand I am soo glad that I haven't stopped yet. My son and I have a bond that just can't be broken. I'm soo proud of myself for doing it for this long, and I know that it will benefit him.

    I know that it's hard sometimes but try to relax and know that you won't be like this forever and soon enough you will have you body back for yourself! Congratulations and Good Luck!!

  6. I totally understand you.  I feel that my body is being used all the time by my baby and it's not mine.  I don't mind my baby touching me but I have a 3 1/2 year old daughter and sometimes I get annoyed when she's touching me a lot.  I can't stand my husband touching me on most days.  I guess because I"m breastfeeding so much, I have no extra room left for everybody else.  Don't get my wrong though, when I'm ready, I give my daughter tons of hugs and kisses every day and make time for husband too.  I have good days and bad days too.  I hope this helps you knowing that I understand you.

  7. it's totally normal to feel "touched out" while being a nursing mom or even a mom in general.  after my son was long weaned, there were still days where i just wanted him to get off of me and stop pulling on my leg and asking for the same thing over and over again after i told him no.

    the feeling will pass.  just try to take a little time for yourself.  tell your partner that you want to go get a pedicure this weekend and ask if he could keep the baby.

    before too long your baby will want to do everything but nurse and you will wish you had more of her attention.

    try to set aside some designated snuggle time for the older kids.  when the baby naps, get out a book and have the older kids sit with you on the couch and read it to them or have them read it to you.  if they have your full attention for a little while, it should tide them over during the times you can't give it to them.

  8. All sounds normal to me.  I sometimes feel the same way but not able to express it.  The good times out weigh the bad, just keep that in mind.  Good Luck!!!

  9. yep, that sounds very familiar! no worries, totally normal.  

  10. OMG, I so know how you feel!  That's why my breast pump has been my best friend!  I couldn't make it very long with my first baby because I was with him 24/7!  Now at least I have the option of leaving without fieeling guilty of him not having my milk.  

    My little guy has had trouble since I have a fast flow milk supply so he would gag, choke and then scream in the middle (or even the begining) of a feeding.  So we would have to stop, burp, and then start over.  Well the burping part could sometimes take over 15 minutes and by then I was (am) so tired.  This is getting better, but it's not gone so I take it day by day.  Hang in there, at least you are almost half way there (if you take it for a year).

  11. I am the same way too!  My daughter is 7 weeks old.  I love breastfeeding but I get those urges the quit as well.  I have 2 other children 5 and 3.  My 3 yr old everytime I nurse our baby he's all over me and climbing wanting attention.  I try to give them as much attention as I can when I'm not with our baby.  I can't sit on our couch to nurse, I have to sit in a rocking chair (which I don't like much) so that they aren't all over me.  Thank goodness they are in school now and I get some time with our baby.  My poor husband barely gets any attention bc I have to tend to everyone else.  I do try to make up for it when I can though.  I didn't think breastfeeding would be this hard, but it's all worth it and I love it!

  12. I completely understand what you mean. I have happily nursed my son for almost 7months now & i've been wanting to stop many times. Sometimes i just wanted my husband to give him a bottle so i could sleep or go out or anything. But i have kept going & so far my son doesn't know formula =]

    It's normal!! Don't worry, it just happens when we're tired & sleep deprived that we think of quitting, it happened to me more when my son was just born, it was overwhelming & then when i had supply issues because i came back to work.. It's been a long road but i'm proud to say we're still going.

    Keep up the good work mommy!

    God Bless

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