
Help garter snake injury back????

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last night my garter snake somehow escaped its cage..this morning i saw it beside my looks like someone closed the door and the snake got in the cant move half of its body...plz garter snake is young....dont tell me take it too a vet....its like 20 miles away!!!!!




  1. make it as comfortable as possible (for a snake) then wait a couple days and see if it gets any better, if not...

  2. if your snake does survive, about 2 weeks after his injury you will need to make sure it is getting exercise so that the muscles dont atrophy.  i rescued a burmese python that had a broken neck and she never fully recovered because the person that had her when the injury happened just kept her in a tank for almost a year so that the muscles atrophied.  she could move her neck but she tended to go in circles and she had/has very limited movement of her neck.  she has gotten better with exercise but never has fully recovered.  (we no longer have the snake we had to give her to a friend when we moved) she still has to be force fed she will never be able to eat on her own but.  when we first got her we took her to the vet to get an assesment of her injury and the vet told us that she would have done much better if she had been exercised early on.  also you can call the vet, most of them will give advice over the phone.  just ask him when you should start exercising the snake and when you should try feeding it.

    good luck with your little baby.

  3. bad news... it will most likely die.  because the way a snakes intestines and organs are set up, it most likely has serious internal damage.  though you snake may be deeply loved, its instances like this that you must decide if you little common garter snake will become a hundred dollar (or more) snake.   a vet visit for a reptile ranges from 50-100 just to look at them, and not many vets can operate on reptiles.  just keep it warm, make the water VERY accessible, and dont handle it.  and keep your fingers crossed that he gets better by some miracle.  best of luck

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