
Help get my myspace back?

by  |  earlier

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friend id- 119424554

This is all I have from my myspace account. Somone stole my account log in and has been posting as me on myspace. I want to know if I can get my myspace back without having to delete it. I have tried the whole myspace salute thing but myspace only responded like 3 times. I have been writing for the past 3 weeks but no help. Any way to get my account log in back and have my old myspace back with it being deleted?

The person changed my email adress and password so there is no way to request it on myspace cause when I request the information it says- invalid email adress or password.

thanks for the help.




  1. you cant if they changed your email address to.You have to make a new one.

  2. Don't be fooled into thinking that MySpace will let you back in to your profile once it gets stolen and you can no longer log in.

    If this happens, MySpace will ask you to send a digital picture of yourself so they can see if you are pictured in the account that you say was stolen. If the spammer has deleted all of the face pics in your profile (which they usually do), then MySpace won't do anything at all because you have no way to prove the profile is really yours.

    But if they see your picture in the account you say was stolen, MySpace still won't give you access to the account -- they'll just DELETE IT. And now the spammer can't use it anymore, but you will have lost all of your messages, photos, and comments and you'll have to start all over again.

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