
Help getting a tourist visa to the U.S. in Mexico City?

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I am a U.S. citizen living and working in Mexico City and would like to bring my Mexican girlfriend to the U.S. for a short vacation. We are applying for her visa and I have some questions.

1. Is is better if she puts a hotel for an address, or uses my home address in the U.S. as the place where she is going to stay?

2. She had been denied a visa 5 years ago because she forgot one of the required documents at her appointment. Will this cause her problems, even though she is a successful lawyer, has money and has no interest in migrating to the U.S.?

3. Is there anything I can do as a U.S. citizen to help her get approved for the U.S. tourist visa?

4. Any tips or suggestions?? Thanks!




  1. I am doing a similar thing for a friend in Mexico.  I believe it would be better for her to use your home address.  I don't believe the exp. 5 yrs. ago will be a problem now.  YOU need to write a formal letter stating that you are a U.S. citizen and your friend will be in your care during her visit.  Include your passport number, a total copy of your passport, and a copy of your Mexican visa.  Also, call 01-477-788-7070 and ASK what  else you should include in this letter.Give specific dates ( allow yourself more time than you really plan to use for the trip just in case you decide to stay longer), location, purpose of visit.  She needs to submit this letter with her papers.  Go to the embassy webpage that describes all the needed paperwork and review it, then check her papers.  make 3 copies of everything and organize into 3 identical folders.  Carry one to be presented at the appt and the 2 extra ones in her bag or briefcase with her, just in case they ask for copies or one paper is missing from her hand-in folder.  Be sure to Pay at Banamex before going to the appt and have the original receipt and 3 copies.  Then check, check, check everythng.   Good luck...I know how nervewracking this is.  I have other Mexican friends who have had visa appts and gotten a visa very I hope it goes smoothly for her.

  2. Probably the worst part for her is that she has an American boyfriend, because it seems that she will stay there.  

    According to my experience:

    1. hotel for address, better if she says a very touristy town, like Tahoe, Las Vegas, Orlando...

    2. It might, does she has any properties? bank accounts and working for more than 2 years in the same place should be enough.

    3. no

    4. Tell her to dress up for the appointment, smile, carry an american magazine like Cosmo or Vanity Fair, look chic.

    Bring lots and lots of papers, anything is good, her degree, properties, bank accounts, the more papers she carries I believe the better she looks.

    good luck!!!

  3. Contact the American consulate in Mexico City.

  4. If your girlfriend has a sizeable bank acct. and owns her own house there should be no problem. It is better that she tell the truth about where she is staying. If she was denied a visa 5 years ago over a forgotten document I see no reason why they would not have given her a chance to have a 2nd interview.

    The immigration dept. at the consulate is now operated by Homeland Security.

    Still, as I said, if she has a good income, money in the bank, and owns property she should be able to receive a visa. I suggest that she NOT say she is going to visit a boyfriend , rather simply friends. Girlfriends are always considered by immigration-now controlled by Homeland Security- to be potential immigrants.

    There is absolutely nothing you can do as a citizen to help your girlfriend. If she becomes your wife and they deny her a visa you can write your senator and complain, giving the name of the person who denied her the visa. A friend of mine did that and got an audience with the ambassador and made an enemy of the already embittered consulate officer who caused the problem- but that is a completely different case.

    Ignore the suggestions of "dressing chic" or Carrying around a Cosmo or Vanity Fair. If she is a lawyer she should dress as she would for work. Forget the 1000 pesos extra cash, this is not a misdemeanor that you can bribe your way through as people a accustomed to doing here. Extra cash will not get her a VISA. I hope the person who made these ridiculous suggestions reads this too.

    The people at the consulate are not stupid.

    She SHOULD take ALL of the documents that they ask her for. Nothing more or less. Mexicans more than anyone should understand the importance of having all of the correct documents -that being a natl. obsession. You , if you live here must surely jhave dealt with it. At the U.S. Consulate , as elsewhere in Mexico, papelito habla.

  5. 1. Better to put a Hotel address, saying she will buy a tour would be fine.

    2. what matters is how secure she feels, I have VISA since I was born I have no problem at all and I went wearing sweat pants. She needs to carry any "important" document that might jelp, like afore, bank monthly balance, income receits, taxes, etc. You never know how crazy they get. She cant wear earings nor belt inside.

    3. Remain quiet dont go with her, wait in Sanborns.

    4. She can smile but never laugh that might be considerated as an offence. She should bring extra money arroun 1000 pesos for extras. Cant carry food nor beberages cause they sell inside.

  6. I totally agree with Bassmeister-D, only she should bring the extra money, not for a bribe of course, but if an extra finger print check is required it costs $850 pesos plus the cost of shipping the visa in case it's approved is around $100 pesos more,  and they have to be paid at the embassy.

    Also, she should only bring original papers to the interview, no copies are required or accepted.

    Charlie is right, check the embassy's web page to see what are the requirements.

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