
Help getting abusive text messages, do I contact the police as I dont know who they are from?

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Help getting abusive text messages, do I contact the police as I dont know who they are from?




  1. It wont hurt to give the police a call and ask their advice; they will suggest the best way forward.

    Hope you get is sorted and soon.

  2. It's highly likely, they are coming form someone you know.

    Save the texts, take note of the number, go to the police. They can probably get in contact with a network provider to find out if the person has registared that phone number

  3. The same thing happened to my brother.  He wrote back and told the person that he (my brother) wasn't who they thought he was, that he was sending these messages to the wrong  phone.  The guy sending the messages actually apologized and stopped sending them.

  4. I thnk your interests would be better served going to your phone provider.  They have people trained in tracing and dealing with malicious calls/texts.  As some of the others have said go to the police, it is after all a criminal offence.  But telephone providers have all the right equipment to deal with this problem.

  5. yes contact the police, you will need to go to the police station and they will need your phone. this happened to my niece bless her, they took her phone for a few days, and managed to find out who was sending the texts and they were arrested and warned as first offence, then when ya get ya phone bacl contact your service provide explain what has happened and the will change your number for you.

  6. Well if you haven't had this number long the person writing you is probably texting the person that had this number before you... My current number I've had for 8 months and I get contacted daily from people looking for Roxanne...

    Also most if not all cell phone companies allow you to go on line and block all or certain numbers from being able to text you...

    Last but most important is what they say as they seem to have you very upset... If they are in **any way** threaten, you need to call your local police now without waiting... We would much rather hear that you embarrassed a friend then to read your name on the front page of the paper after being attacked...

  7. contact george bush. he will know who is sending them.

  8. It depends on how abusive they are. Do the same back to them. Yeah go to the police, they will able to get in touch with th provider and block the number on the basis of abusive texts.

  9. Just delete them!

    The person doing this will soon get fed up and leave you alone.

    Although if it continues, then it wouldn't hurt to tell them. then they can advise you what to do in this situation!

  10. Yes you do. Ive also had some before, and i was quite anxiety as i was worried who they were from but as soon as i told the police they sorted it all out. It wont harm if you go to them. :)

  11. Send them back a message saying that you arent who they think you are.They'll probably say sorry and leave you alone.

    It happened to me a couple months ago,and I did that and they left me alone.Haven't heard from them since.


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