
Help getting faster connection to my Windows Media extender.?

by  |  earlier

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Alright I'm using my Xbox 360 as a media extender for my laptop. If you have done this you'll know it shows a bar graph showing your connection strength.

Here is a pic of the option. Ok if you still understand me I need to know how to get the connection up to the HD tv area. Mine is only at the first bar. Ty for the help.




  1. How far away is the Xbox360 from your wireless router?  Are there any 2.4Ghz devices between your Xbox and the router?

    How many walls are between the Xbox and the router?

    Link #1 lists the ports that need to be open in your software and hardware firewalls.

    In essence, the troubleshooting should focus on removing any 2.4Ghz frequency emitters between the xbox and the router.  Ensure the proper ports are open so no TCP traffic is being slowed or stopped.  

    Is your laptop running the latest wireless drivers?

  2. well thats your wireless signal so hopefully everything is wireless G. make sure you router and any of the wireless cards are not near any metal, cordless phone, walls, and the TV. all those can kill the signal and where possible use cat 5e or better cable and you should be good

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