
Help...getting my braces off tomorrow??

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ok so i have had these d**n things on for 4 and a half years...i keep my gums and teeth very clean, and my teeth are very straight and everything but i NEVER wore my rubber bands and i have a very slight overbite...i plan on definently wearing my retainer adn everything, should i be good i mean everything looks good but my ortho whos a complete d**k said im not done treatment...if i wear my retainer should i be good?




  1. No, you may need a bionater and then after you use that you have to use your braces to straighten your teeth even more.  The effect of a bionater mis-matches your teeth.

  2. well if i were you i would wear my rubber bands!!! you dont want your braces back on do you?!?!?

    i had them, and i had an overbite.

    when they told me to wear the rubber bands to correct them i did (when it was just the 2, one in each side)

    but then they gave me these super long rubber bands, and with them i had to pretty much band my jaw shut! it hurt like h**l!

    so i only wore those ones to bed.

    but a retainer will not help with over bites!!! it only makes sure that your teeth remain in the position that the braces put them into...

    the rubber bands help to correct how you bite, and to move your jaw into the correct position. (muscle memory stuff)

    so wear your rubber bands now and you wont have problems later!

  3. The retainer and the rubber bands do two different things. The retainer keeps your teeth in place so they do not shift, and the bands correct the overbite. They both hurt like c**p (hence why I never wore either, lol.) My bottom teeth have shifted a little but not a lot. I should have worn both. I know it hurts and is irritating, but it is definitely worth it in the long run. I had mine on for 4 1/2 also. So to answer you, no, the retainer is not going to correct your overbite, but if you are satisfied with the way your teeth look (overbite and all) then I'd take them off. DEFINITELY DO wear your retainer though; we don't want them to shift back to the way they were now do we? =)  

  4. No my teeth went all screwy from not wearing a retainer for 4 days. The retainer didn't fit, and my teeth went SLIGHTLY out of align. It happened to my brother too. I now have to get a twin retainer because my ortho is an idgetface too. I recommend a new orthodontist, I would too but we only have one.

  5. yea i didnt wear my rubber bands once and my teeth are fine and my dentist didnteven kno :]

  6. i got mines off with an tiny overbite its okay though man you are gonna miss those braces! your teeth are gonna feel very slimmy and weird lol  

  7. Well in that case, he does sound like a complete d**k. MY dentist is a perfectionist and honestly my teeth were fine like 6 months ago. It sounds like you're retainer will be fine.

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