
Help getting rid of hair on my stomach and shoulders?

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I am a younger guy that has pretty thick hair on my stomach chest shoulders and arms. actually have good amount of thick hair all over my body is from family genes. I am wondering if anyone can help me find a way to just get this hair off. i usually shave the hair on my stomach but even as i shave i can still see the root of the hair and the hair will will start to grow back less than a day. it becomes very itchy and bothersome to me especially in the lower stomach area. I also grow hair on shoulders that i shave and even inside of my arm. I have hair pretty much everywhere but just want to get rid of hair on stomach and shoulders is embarrassing to have. I have tried some hair removal creams with no luck because they dont really remove any hair. I have never tried waxing but am thinking about giving it a shot because i can not keep up shaving like this and get ingrown hairs on my belly. If anyone has any products or methods besides getting laser or going to a salon to get done because is way to expenisive.

Please help me find a way that will get rid of the hair for at least like a week because now i would have to shave stomach and everything everyday which is a hassle.

thank you




  1. GO to walmart or target and find a product name NAIR its a hair removal thing that you put on in the shower for just 3 minutes and wipe it with a towel afterwards and rinse but sometimes it requires more timing. BUT dont go over ten minutes it works. If not go wax?

  2. wax it

  3. Good question. I am sure whoever sees your hairy shoulders will aprreciate you getting rid of it too. lol. So waxing is the best option you can do yourself. At least the front of your body. My old friend is an esthetisian, so she waxes people for a living. You can go to a beauty supply store, like Sally's Beauty Supply, in your town. Get a wax pot. It just has an off and on switch, they will know at the store if you ask. It heats up the wax, it should be around or under $20. Then buy wax, I got professional wax from my friend... I don't remember the name, the bee's wax at Sally's is a little sticky. My wax is in storage or I could tell you! I like the lavender purple one at an esthetican store. It isn't sticky and just buy wooden sticks and fabric clothes to rip your hair out. I would reccomend having a friend help in places you can't reach.

    Also apply is like putting butter on toast, make it thin but cover your hair. Pull the hair out in the opposite direction it's growing. Make sure not to pull out but close to your body, this will pull out the hair better and prevent bruising and tearing. It can happen! Also rub the cloth over the wax on your strip. It will heat up the wax, then rip it out while it's hot. It will secure the cloth to the wax and hair, and pull it out without leaving wax behind. Use any kitchen or body oil to get off any left over wax, or use a strip and dab without rubing it in, it might take some of the wax off. Hope this helps.

    I would go to a waxing salon and ask if you can watch. Tell them you're scared and you might make an apt. and you will call them if you want to make on.

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