
Help getting toned? ?

by Guest33042  |  earlier

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I'm an almost 17yr old guy except i am very very skinny and weak...i want to put on some muscle mass and im on protein powder for medical reasons...I have a rower, treadmill and bikes... Which one of these should i use most to quickly gain some muscle mass??

Lyk i'm not looking to be buff; just at least a bit toned. I've already got really good cardio-vascular fitness but im really weak and want to have at least toned abs within a month, i'm prepared to do the hard work and i already use the treadmill and bike but i don't seem to be able to gain any muscle, i have no abs kinda embarrassing. Got any ideas on what i should do?




  1. To gain muscle you have to eat a lot and work out with weights....running and bikes don't give you muscle...they make you lose burns body fat tho so it can define what you already yeah. If you do lots of sit ups and continue on the tredmill, that can give you abs.

  2. i dunno about abs but if you want to tone ur arm muscles you need to do low numbers but high reps if u wana get bigger arm muscles you need to do moderate to high numbers in moderate reps
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