
Help growing to fast

by  |  earlier

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ok im 14 and a month ago down there i was 3.5 inches long and now im almost 6 in one month. is there something wrong. should i be worried? that its growing this fast. should i use it??? or let it go to waste.




  1. You're fortunate that you've grown so much so fast.  Like Spiderman says, "With great power comes great responsibility".  Be pleased with your size, but wait 5-6 years to use it.  You've got a lot of other stuff you should be doing as a teen.  Enjoy -  

  2. wut r u talkin bout??...oh yur  a boy i thought u were a girl ur fine stop askin  random ppl about your health problems like this thats a thing u should keep to ur self...

  3. dude, its a growth spurt or ur whackin off to much...but to be serious there might be something wrong...that was a good question tho...i no it might something really hard to ask in a swarm of people looking at the question. but have u tried to ask ur parents yet?? it could be serious..just hope that nobody gave u c**p as answers..+ when u say use it...well please don't..ur a little to young and can ruin ur life with a std or even just rumors or even as severe as getting someone prego. and maybe ur gonna getting a growth spurt like i said earlier. :) but again, please...ask ur could be serious.

  4. Why complaint....have it flaunt it, lots of guys out there will die for that size...!!!

    Your God's gift to women....!!!

  5. keep it in your pants you immature freak...

  6. Keep your d**n virginity.  Wait.  I caught my son and was so disappointed in him.

  7. don't worry be happy 3.5 is considered small and 6 is average I'm 14 and I'm 7.5 my perfect size would be 10 you've just have long over due growth spert literally  I'm talking a bout when your hard not flaccid

  8. Congrats!!!! After all you got to be at least six inches sometime, so why not now? Nothing is wasted, just wait for the right time to use it properly, in the meantime keep releasing it whenever needed. Practice makes it perfect!

  9. use it

  10. when you measured it before was it hard? if not maybe thats why it was only 3.5 and you measured yourself with an erection which of course will make it twice as long as it would be if you weren't
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