
Help!! have a fever 104.0 been to ER twice for this same reason?

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so ive been have high fevers usually around 100.5 - 104 degrees they come and go every day ill have the fever for about three of four hours and it will go away for awhile after i take Tylenol but the it would come back. also i severe headaches, night sweats, i don't really fell like eating and i also fell weak and my body aches. two years ago i went to the ER for this and got a spinal tap but they found nothing wrong with me then last night i went in and they drew blood and gave me a chest and stomach x ray and didn't find anything the doctor told me it could just be a small virus but i don't think so because i been having these problems off and on for the past two years. im fine now but im sure it will come anyone please




  1. Please get pushy with your doctors and demand they keep looking.   A 104 temp is very hard on things like your hearing and your heart (constant inflammation).  You should ask them to check CRP and homocysteine also.  That will find out if there is an inflammation.  Adults don't get 104 temps because of nothing.  ANd the night sweats in between are your body trying to get rid of something.  If you get tired of seeing doctors then find a good homeopathic/nutritionist and at least fight for your health.  

  2. Make an appointment to see a Dr. the ER is for acute emergencies, if this has been an ongoing problem it will not be resolved by repeated trips to the ER. You need a Dr who can get a complete history, order tests and have the ability to rule out other problems. ER does not provide for ongoing or a continuim of care in matters like this

  3. Hi,

    Please get a second opinion, Try an internist.

    Good luck.

  4. I think that u have an Actinomycetales infection.


  5. I would definitely get another opinion... Ask the doctor to check your CPK count... Ask if it could be Lupus or a flair up of another auto-immune problem...

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