
Help help helppp...?

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So I don't want to sound like an idiot but my parents are saying they want to see how my grades are in such before they let me get what I want, which is dreadlocks. I'm 16 and a junior in high school.But I have so many questions I need help stat. I'm afraid of what my friends and what kids in high school are gunna think of me. I'm not the typical person to get them, or at least I don't show it much. I am also have an incredibly rude and opinionated teacher. So as you can see I'm very confused. I want them for me and not for anyone else so just let me know...

Thanks much :)

P.s : Please no "well there gross and smelly" Ive had enough of what people think, I'm just looking for helpful and positive advice.




  1. think of ur self so go for it

  2. you cant live life trying to make everyone happy, that will never happen and you'll just be miserable, if you want dreads then get them, you only live once so enjoy life while you can.

  3. I've wanted dreadlocks for ages and i've decided to wait until i'm 18. I'm 16 too atm.

    I just think that you should wait longer and make sure you're totally set on having them done. You'll know that you're set on having them done when you don't care what anyone else thinks anymore :)

    Good luck


  4. I love dreads I think they look awesome. You're your own person and if you want them done get them! If people are rude about it you obviously don't need them in your life as they're not true friends. Although it does sound like you're a bit unsure about getting them yourself! If you're 100% sure I say go for it...if not give it a bit more thought and see where it gets you! x

  5. Whats your question??

    And i think you will regret dreadlocks. . .

    You can't un-do them, to get rid of them, you go bald!

    And it looks friggin ugly!!

  6. wait for your grades  

  7. I think that if you do this people will think you are screaming for attention and if that is the case you will end up with alot of not so fun attention. Really please dont do this to your hair. It just wouldnt be right.
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