
by Guest65364  |  earlier

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okok im getting p**s...i often have sparring sessions so whenever a punch is comming right at me i will kinda shut my eye and look away like an idoit i have try many time and told myself not to do that but automatically my stupid eye and head does that again and again so is there any way to mantain eye contact?can it be train to get rid of this stupid habit during boxing session?




  1. Dude, what is the first thing we learn iin any martial art/pugilistic sport? You've gotta retrain your reflexes!

    So, crawl before you walk. You obviously didn't  spend enough time training the basics  before you started  sparring, so try this:

    Your trainer or a sparring partner should start slowly with you. Throwing jabs, hooks, crosses, straight rights and  uppercuts at you, but very slowly. You should practice as follows:

    Jabs- ducking of catching with your RIGHT hand  (if you're conventional against a conventional fighter).

    Left hooks- Always duck a hook, but be leary of a combination of a hook/cross or hook uppercut. Duck the hook, then practice countering with a cross.

    Crosses and straight rights (again, conventional right handers): Duck or parry with your left hand.

    Uppercuts: Never, under any circumstance duck an uppercut! Keep your chin tucked and block with your elbows. Same goes for hooks to the body. Never EVER drop your hand to reach for a body punch!

    Do all of this slowly at first, then add some speed. STOP sparring 'til you've broken this habit! If you don't, you'll continue to revert back to the same bad habits.

    NEVER lean back from a punch! This is a huge mistake. You compromise your balance as well as  set yourself up for a nasty body attack.

    Lastly, and this will sound crazy, but eye contact isn't nearly as important as some people think. Look at your opponents lower neck or chest. You'll avoid eye feints this way, and you'll have  perifferal view of the waist, letting you know  where your opponent is moving next.

    Do all of this slowly and it will work!

  2. do a training session where someone throws punches at you and you practice bobbing and weaving or blocking them without you throwing back this way you can concentrate on not keeping your eyes closed and better defense.

  3. Your scarred to get hit it sounds like, thats the first thing you have to get over or youll turn into a Wladimir Klitchko. I see guys do it all the time, It takes some time to get used too.

    Theres no real stradegy, you just have to get used to getting hit. Try letting your sparring partner practice soft combos on you, and you work on not looking away or closing your eyes.

    But really its all mentality. If your scared to get hit you have to get over it, plain and simple. And if you cant, boxing probubly aint the sport for ya.
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